Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I moved the chickens to a friends house for the appraisal.....It is NOT fun boxing up chickens that don't want to be caught or boxed up!
Septic tank inspection and appraisal are done. Now we wait...AGAIN!

Day 2 of all chickens roosting together and off heat...Yeah.

I am looking forward to chickenstock, but still have to figure out what to bring, donate, etc. Hmmmmmmmm
Hi All!

DrH.... Have a nice trip!

Nice Jokes guys!

Jim... what's with the guinea escapes? That pen looked like Fort Knox! You could pick up some of those curtain rods at a second hand store cheap.

CC... That picture is so cute! So Sorry about you bunny.

Yep JJ... Always got to watch what your doing when it comes to guns.

Angie.... Glad your booth went well!

Judge... Good luck to your granny!

TO... congrats on the turkey hatch!

Yep, the gun is an Remington 522 Viper.... Old yes, but in real great shape! The Stock fits my short little arms and it's light weight. Just what I need to pick off vermin! I did read some reviews on it and I guess the clip can jam but it's fairly accurate. My young son gave me about 300 rounds he had left from a gun he sold (the stock was too long for me) so I got some ammo.

My Dom roo charged me again today so I did what someone here said he does (Zeke?, JJ?). I grabbed him by the legs, hung him up side down and paraded him in front of all the others. When I went to let him go I laid him on back and stood over him.... I WIN!
Later when I came to close up he high tailed it to the roost! George, the head roo will guard me from him if he's around, but he was busy getting his girls from over at the neighbors.

Guess that's it.... night all!
My Dom roo charged me again today so I did what someone here said he does (Zeke?, JJ?). I grabbed him by the legs, hung him up side down and paraded him in front of all the others. When I went to let him go I laid him on back and stood over him.... I WIN!
Later when I came to close up he high tailed it to the roost! George, the head roo will guard me from him if he's around, but he was busy getting his girls from over at the neighbors.

Guess that's it.... night all!
It was me.

My little cukoo roo is still behaving around the others after the shaming.

I have been told (by twain I think) that if this does not work do the same and dunk them in the water bucket a few times.

If that doesn't calm them down, Soup.


On a simmular note

TO.-- all us old roosters around all you young hens might just be trouble. I don't want to be hung upside down and dunked in the water bucket. Even if it was metaphoric dunking.
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108 posts to read . WOW. ~~ I will catch up with that in a bit.

How sad is it that I had to take a day off of work yesterday to "work" at home:) ... I think every muscle in my body hurts. Main project was the new coop! Making progress!! All the walls are up, most of the windows are in, so is the door!! Nest boxes are built. Poor hubby has put a lot of time and wwaayyy moore $$ than anticipated into this little project of my ( or shall we say addiction of mine).
I did get the chicks outside FINALLY! 7 weeks old and in my basement was getting rather stinky! So, made a make shift spot for them by the older hens so they could say "hi" they were no worse for the ware this morning! Poor "peep peeps" as the kids call them. I threw them a little scratch and they ran for the hills!! LOL

How old do they need to be before I start introducing them in with the older hens? suggestions on how I do this? I have 8 older hens and 22 chicks to somehow make into one big happy family!
I know it will be a bit yet. Hens won't like the youngsters cramping their free range style. The kids just don't seem to know where "home" is yet for sleepy time:)

The Older girls had a BIG Day. Since we were both home and working outside they got to free range ALL day! And I had just tilled up my garden, so they were busy worm hunting. they were sooooooooo happy! The black lab supervised their every move:) wish I would have had my camera, they were all napping together, dogs and hens it was pretty funny.

Have a good day all................now to read all the posts.........
Judge, did you go to M. Schettl? I ordered my cabinets through them, they are almost all solid wood, and they are made in De Pere. Check them out before you order anything.... I was VERY picky about my cabinets. The only issue I have had with them is the little plastic shelf holder things have been breaking, but the cabinets are also almost 8 years old. I made sure I had shelves that were a good 1/2 inch thick to hold all of my stuff!

CC, the Kitchen Spice soap would be the stuff that I made with the cinnamon swirl, and it is scented with ginger, clove, allspice, nutmeg, cinnamon, etc.....

I will look into making a big repellent soap.....

Off to work for me! Another loooooong Thursday!
Hi All!

DrH.... Have a nice trip!

Nice Jokes guys!

Jim... what's with the guinea escapes? That pen looked like Fort Knox! You could pick up some of those curtain rods at a second hand store cheap.

CC... That picture is so cute! So Sorry about you bunny.

Yep JJ... Always got to watch what your doing when it comes to guns.

Angie.... Glad your booth went well!

Judge... Good luck to your granny!

TO... congrats on the turkey hatch!

Yep, the gun is an Remington 522 Viper.... Old yes, but in real great shape! The Stock fits my short little arms and it's light weight. Just what I need to pick off vermin! I did read some reviews on it and I guess the clip can jam but it's fairly accurate. My young son gave me about 300 rounds he had left from a gun he sold (the stock was too long for me) so I got some ammo.

My Dom roo charged me again today so I did what someone here said he does (Zeke?, JJ?). I grabbed him by the legs, hung him up side down and paraded him in front of all the others. When I went to let him go I laid him on back and stood over him.... I WIN!
Later when I came to close up he high tailed it to the roost! George, the head roo will guard me from him if he's around, but he was busy getting his girls from over at the neighbors.

Guess that's it.... night all!
I just wanted to comment real quick while it was on my mind, I actually went to bed having this conversation with DH cause we are ao obsessed with guns lol I just had to talk to him about the suggestion of putting shorts in your gun. Do NOT put 22 short thru any rifle that says 22LR. Not all rifles can handle the shorts. The Remington 522 Viper is for 22LR only, shorts will detroy your gun. So anywho, sorry to butt in but guns are a topic I always jump into.
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Good Morning everyone. I got my garden cleaned and "tilled" by hand yestarday, also got the 7' deer fence up but ran short. Luckily I made it all the way to the door way so I only need to find something for the door. I am going to rake it agian today but a little deeper and will hopefully start transplanting this weekend. I only have 15 each of peppers and tomatos so far. Oh and I trasnpalnted some of the trees I got from Arbor Day foundation last year. I lost 1 right away last year, and looks like I lost 2 more over winter. I have 2 more that need transplanting but I've been waiting for the leaves to sprout so I know they'r still alive.
As for the chickens, same ole same ole.
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