Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

don't get too excited yet,, that is only the membrane, not the shell.. and I don't think yellow is a color you will be getting from the EE ..

If you continue getting rubber eggs, supplement some oyster shells , free choice, besides their layer rations..

Thanks for the input! That is actually better news… since I am hoping that all the EEs will lay blue/green eggs. I also found my first blue egg in the favorite nesting box this morning, so I do have something to be excited about. I have free choice oyster shell out and they are on quality layer feed. It really seems like a trend with the first egg. Rubber egg one day, no extra eggs the second day, and on the third day I have another one laying normal shelled pullet size eggs. While it is not nearly as cold down here in VA, it is colder than the norm. Lots of chilly trips to the coop to collect eggs!
Hi all...everything is frozen here and I dont have ANY water at all. Evidently the pipe coming into the house has frozen...sigh...I hope it is clear by the time I am done with this post so I can get water out to the stock before heading to work. If it was at all feasible I would call in. I hae to caryy buckets too as F&F only had cheap hoses and I wasnt going to waste my $$$ on them again! Madison has 22 farm duty ones in stock so I am heading there after work tonight. Yeah--no more buckets! Now if I could just get the barn well working again...

Misty--many times new birds will do the rubber egg thing as their systems are sorting out the "proper" way to make an egg! Amazing that you even found it; usually the other birds scarf them up as soon as they are laid!

OK--going to check the well...why is is you are always thirsty when there is no water?
Sunny Winter Day To Everyone.....nice looking coop kj! Keep the faith for longer days on the way.

Bummer about the frozen water TO. Always something throwing a curve ball to keep things interesting, eh!

Welcome from the cheeseheads to virginny. South from here is prolly a good place to be for awhile.

Hello Everyone, Sorry if this has already been brought up, but i just wanted to let you all know there are some animals freezing in Southern Wisconsin . Monroe, WI ~ here is the link > just in case anyone can network and get some help to these guys (some of the dogs have died already) Tha law enforcement doesnt seem to be too worried about it right now . http://www.examiner.com/article/urgent-pets-freezing-to-death
Tiki, the bigger stink you make the more the police will do. Contact all the local media, TV especially. Get pictures!!!!!!! Call the humane society, the county health department, Heath and human services, etc etc etc..... The more phone calls made the word gets out. Make a FB page; they did that up here about starving horses (save the Clintonville horses).

Good luck!
Hi All!

Wow, hope those animals get taken care of! Yes, make a stink!

To... hope you find a hose!

Delish...How's the hatch?

Head hurts.... going to try to get to bed..... Night!
good morning, having a good cuppa..

I got up at 2 AM to see what happened.. Dora and Puppy got into a rough and tumble growling and yipping match.. I went to see, and when I turned on the light, both dogs are standing looking at me with wagging tails and smiles on their faces.. Puppy must have gotten too close to Dora's puppies ?? who knows ?? anyway I kicked them both outside for an hour to cool off..

I watched Dora lie down when she came back in.. she just plopped down on her blanket and all of the puppies were about 2 feet away.. blind as they are, they just seemed to draw to her like little magnetic maggots.. within a couple of minutes they each and all were attached to a teat ..

I am having someone come from Madison on Sat to look at one of the chicken pluckers.. Now I have to dig it out of the snow and clean it up, today .. I hope it isn't frozen to the ground..

enjoy the warm-up.. such as it is ..


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