Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Chilly but sunny morning here
, we ended with about 5.3 inches of the white stuff with some ice underneath. DH headed out about 11 pm last night to run the snow route....depending on how the snow cleared he should be getting home with in the next hour or so hopefully. Of course today is when everyone comes in wanting him to look at maintenance items for them
(what don't they get....he is out removing snow and when he is done he will be coming home to sleep)

DH decided not to go hunting this year- couple projects to get done plus his knee and shoulder have been bothering him- doc wants him to take it easy.....not sure how that will happen!

with the couple days of warmer weather, all our squash went bad...
don't have a real good way to store it....will give a few to our chickens and our neighbor will take the rest to feed his cattle so I guess it will be put to good use.

added lights to the coop, no eggs yet, we are down to our last 2 dozen. Hoping they start laying soon as DD and DS(9) will need to start hatching Jan 1st for 4-H projects.

waiting to see if 2 of our Cali does kindle- they are due today
haven't seen a lot of nest building activity.... we have only had 3 litters this year.......

some neat pictures that are being posted! Thanks for sharing, I do read and keep up but not always a lot of time to replay....takes a back seat to kids needing the computer for homework. .DS(9) has to practice typing and math each day, the school sets up programs that he can log onto via the school website and practice with.

best get going on some paperwork

Enjoy the day!
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Wow... Why is everyone leaving? Pretty soon it will be me and Jim with BigZ and a couple of others just stopping in. :(
good morning, yeah Cind,, just you and me.. and a few others.. and I do mean FEW ..
my life is not so exciting that I can keep this site alive with little help..
as far as chickens go, I have none to talk about..
I wonder if there will be any body left when it is time to go to the bash next spring ?

I know I'm a relatively new member to this cheese flock, but I'm still here and planning on camping at the spring bash.

Packer Sunday To All....I don't mind the late games either. It is nice to watch football one night a week anyway.

Hope Cutler gets sacked about a half dozen times, and Rodgers has a good game.

We were at that Packer/Bear game - froze my tush off . . . but was a wonderful win as was the win against the "queens"

Bigz: I know I'm a bit behind times on this, but my condolences on the loss of your friend's wife. Also congrats on your deer.

oh how I miss Bigfam with this kinda ammunition
You're right she would be all over that comment. I think Kristip just posted to Heather's FB regarding re-homing chickens. It sounded like Heather was giving up her chickens. Her time is needed for her son, I know how hard that can be as my nephew is autistic.

Well I've taken up enough space on here for now. Keep warm and safe everyone!
Evening All...thanks RB...it will be tough for my friend Charlie for sure....next month they woulda been married 51 years...they were really enjoying retirement together.

Yep..bl4...glad you found out what the best red meat is all about...gotta love venzun...makes stinky beef nasty after you eat enough of the best red meat that is higher in protein for starters... I could go on...LOL!

Been busy hunting and cutting here too. We also bagged a 5 year old doe...the DNR was aging deer this weekend here...she skinned like a dream, and will be tender for sure. When you cut up enough of them, you can tell how they bone out and cut up, if they will be tender...some more than others.

We need one more deer for enough to have made into wieners and sausage....of course all the best cuts are held back for steaks and roasts....have you seen the meat prices lately? I'll take a pic of what all the muscles from a hind quarter look like when separated for those that never seen it.

Wish you had a hunter to fill the freezer Cind....it sure feels good to have a Winter supply of good stuff.

Still working on the Rat problem...never had it, and don't like it.....work in progress...they are at war with me right now. Seems like they have the nukes and I don't.

RB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice to hear from you again! GLad you are well and enjoying your retirement.

Looking at the viewing lest there are a few folks I havent heard of...YET! Please introduce yourselves!

We got a ton of snow here...I think 7" or so. Took a while to get plowed out this morning to head to work for sure. I am glad DH was home to do it too...Tomorrow is my last day of 8 AMs! I am so happy for that...I hate doing the chores in the dark more than I hate doing them in the cold. DOing them in both is just too much.

I moved the finally feathered birds into a run the last day of the "warmer" weather. There wer 2 guineas and 3 chickens. They are happy to have more room. Now the brooder just has 2 chickens that are about 2 weeks old and one that is 4 weeks. These are birds that were with the Moms but started looking "peaked." There are a few more still out running that look OK. These really late hatches sometimes dont turn out so well...I was sad that I lost all of the naked necks. She still has 3 from the nest but they are not NN's.

I have to go out and feed the horses yet and throw corn for the geese. I just didnt have sufficient clothing on after work to do much but close doors!
Have a great night and stay warm! TErriO

ETA: BigZ-have you tried DrHaHa's Peanut butter Ferris wheel ride for the rats?
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good evening,,
I couldn't fit the 55 gal barrel into the drill press.. So I had a panic attack, and then I made a drill jig and drilled the 64 holes with the hand drill.. actually it went very well.. I have 8 more holes to drill and then I can start pulling fingers.. I have the fingers all in the feather plate already,,

I forgot that I had my camera in my pocket, or I could have taken some pictures.. t here is always tomorrow.. IDK that anybody is interested anyway ..

we have a rash of car failures this week.. got the report on the Blazer,, we can pick it up anytime,,
the high gears in the transmission are shot.. we are not going to fix that car anymore.. anybody need a $5000.oo anchor ? the lower two speeds work,, so if you don't mind driving around slowly, like in town only, this is the car for you..

then today Annie limped her car home.. I guess the serpentine belt came off.. IDK why that would happen,, but she drove the last 7 miles to home with antifreeze blowing out of the overflow.. She said the car was really HOT .. she parked it at the end of the driveway.. so when I came home, I couldn't drive up the driveway, so I kicked it in 4WD and headed along side of the driveway through the old garden, now lawn; area ..

I told Annie to find a small Buick.. Brenda had one that she just tormented and it ran for years..

now I am done crying,, going to shut this puter down for the night,, take a shower and a couple of beverages of choice and hit the hay early for a change ..

sorry to hear of your difficult day Jim, hope tomorrow will be better!

so we had an interesting evening here by us, just got home about 1 hour ago........ with a new addition, she is a 5 week old Nigerian dwarf doe

Cute little goat! I noticed this morning that one of the chicks that I shoved outside over the weekend was doing a lot of crying. She was cold, even with the broody hen. So, I had to put a heat lamp in their run. I came home tonight and the whole family was snuggled under there. We had a holiday parade in town tonight. A chili feed at the fire hall and they were selling cups of beer. They were colored cups that changed when they got cold. We got a couple. Everyone was just walking around town with their beer. There was also a little table where they were handing out cookies, milk and hot cider. It was fun, but cold. They did fireworks and had horse drawn sleigh rides.
Also, I got my black Friday shopping done! Herbergers had all of their deals online tonight. I'm not buying Christmas gifts this year. I'm sick of being told that I have to buy people things just so the retailers can make money. I will, however, buy the things I need for a good price. These are items I have needed for a while, but I knew they'd be cheaper now. I imagine I could get even better deals in January. But I'm not sure I can wait that long. What would the stores do if we all just decided not to buy Christmas presents?
Hi All!
Glad a few more of you showed up! Maybe with winter apon us we will see you more often.

BigZ....The only one that's been hunting is my daughters SO and they depend on that meat for the bulk of their family's meat. My 2nd son has all the gear, but no time
Oldest son can't go because even if he could get to a place to sit, he's not steady enough to shoot anymore. And of course, young son is off in Hawaii! If someone could park me in a good spot I would give it a try for 4 or 5 hours!

Cute little goat!

Jim.... Hope you get everything working soon!

Night All!
What a weekend!

After enjoying the beautiful warmth, and the duck 2 undisturbed days of continuous bathing and swimming in the set up pools, we had nothing but car troubles too.

First I saw an ad in one of the FB selling pages about a car the front calipers had locked up, and not so good tires. No big deal, offered $250 (we barely scratched together) and agreed on the deal. Went to Menomonie to get it and most of the car was in pieces!

After 2 hours of SO looking for parts and putting it back together, 2 wheel studs on drivers and 1 stud on passenger car missing, OUR complete brakes we brought (to make it easier as it was the same car) he took it out of their driveway. Needed new wipers (it started to drizzle as we first got there) so we got those (only about half a roll of electrical tape on the bars to remove) and something to eat before heading the 2 hr drive back north.

Besides the car not going any faster than 55 pushed it was smoking a bit from sitting. Then about halfway home the clutch burned out all the way! Argh! Luckily I had the brats truck we we could tow it back going max 30mph. Of course there is no money (and weather) to replace the clutch, so it is junk/spare parts sitting in the yard as new ornament now.

Then last night SO's brother called at 0.30am (late shift) saying his transmission went out on the car he just bought used about 4 months ago. He can drive his automatic til it shifts into 4th, then it's done. So the brother drives SO's put together again car (after reinstalling the studs and brakes) while he is driving the (gas sucking) truck of the brat. My car is leaking gas (either rusted tank or the fuel sender) besides falling apart in pieces. And the exhaust came off the underbody during last weeks snow bank driving. Can't really put it back cause the bracket had rusted off and due to the body rust there is really no place to screw the holding strap to!

So yeah, not good, all broke and definitely out of most anything we can use up here. But the animals are fine! (Sorry bout the long rant)

Obviously we don't go hunting, the brat is sitting in CO with his truck and can't go on as the company didn't give him the right snow chains (and told him to wait it out!) and isn't hunting either. My rottie has developed a fist sized mass in his front arm pit and my pit girl has several small hard bumpy knots all over her (cancer?) but no money, no vet. Just hope I don't make it worse for him :( it would break my heart! I could smash my head thru some walls if I knew it'd help...

Sorry for the long post. Just out of clues and ideas right now and had to rant... Later all!

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