Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

I was at the swap also. I got a really nice snowy call duck hen from a guy named Jon betersen. He had over 30 snowy hens and 30 snowy drakes from spring 2015 that he was selling! There where some nice ones. He had one tiny blue bib hen that was so cute but I needed a breeder that will lay lots of eggs. How do I post pictures here?

The new snowy call duck hen got a spa last night in the tub. Lots of warm water and showers to stand under and clean her. Clipper her toenails and massaged neosporine into her feet that had some small cuts in them. She isn't that afraid of me. Now at least.
Still hasn't eatten but is drinking the vit and electrolite water.
good afternoon,

looks like this is the weekend for buying birds..
I just bought 13 fresh laying hens.. 10 months old..
special blacks..
we have them banded already and they are all on the roosts.
Annie placed them there right after we put the band on their leg. they are all quite tame and mild.. the guy said they were laying.. I hope he was not pulling my leg..

He had 10 leghorns also, but I did not really want them.

to post a picture :
take your mouse and go to the bar above with the smilly face in it.. go way to the left of that bar and it will say
something like insert images. click it.
then click on the box where it says (upload) or something like that ..click pick out your picture, and wait for the bar to move all the way to the right.. then click post picture at the bottom of the page ..
Hi All!

Nice score on the birds!
I'm waiting to find out about splitting a small order of chicks with someone.

Nothing New

Night All.
Tried to share photos on my phone but it just would not let me last night. On computer now.

Yesterday was Tylers 17th birthday and we spent the day shooting. At his work they cleaned out the outdated soda and he brought it all home. Also bought a brick of Tanerite and were knocking down whats left of the pines I didn't want on the east side of my house. He said it was the best birthday ever.

Race, Race, Race Day to everyone....finally the start of the season for reasons today. Hoping Junior can pull off a win today.

Nice looking roo BBP, and a good looking comb for the end of Winter. You must have the ventilation tweaked just about perfect.

That's quite a haul Stacy. Glad you found something you wanted to buy. Were there any LF Light Brahmas there?

Cleaned up the hump of ice in front of the overhead door yesterday that is created by the steel roof dripping onto the concrete. Feels good to drive in and out without the speed bump that was there.

There were no LF LB there but there was a pair of DB not the best looking so I passed on them. My son has been wanting LB since visiting with Melanie and seeing hers but the few times Ive bought them they just were not very good. Oh geez, I just seen that my post from lastnight went thru and I dont know how to delete one.

Someone had like Redstars 4-5mo for $5 ea, I wanted to grab some for a friend but already had the cab of my truck packed with birds. For those who just want birds for eggs, that would of been a good deal.
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Good Monday morning.
those of you with outside jobs better get going,, pay a lot into FICA so I can keep getting my checks.

the coop door was open this morning, I had it shut because I had the 13 new layers in there.. but a couple were outside just hanging around the doorway, so it is OK.. as long as they know how to get back inside .
Kind of snowing BB's right now, so as long as the weather is sort of nasT I don't think they will wander far.

there were 4 sitting in the nests already.. I hope they were thinking about laying eggs , and not just relaxing in there.


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