Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Ladysmith here-Anybody interested in serama bantams? I have a couple of families recently hatched; can't keep them all.



Hi where are you located? Would be cool to have a couple serama pullets, though I would need to discuss it with DH2B. My Mom may also be interested. Do you allow your seramas to mingle with lf birds or to mingle with other bantams? I've never seen one in person and I know they're tiny but would they be okay in a docile mixed flock of bantams or lf, perhaps if they had space only they and the smallest bantams could go if they were getting picked on? We currently have oegb, silkies, and a golden laced sebright living with out lf but have considered making them a tractor.
Greetings! For those of you who live in North or North Central Wisconsin, I am considering moving my almost 6 week olds out to my insulated coop with some supplemental heat this weekend. I have a nice secure stand for my heat lamp. Right now, they are in my basement and I am sick of the mess and smell. However, I don't want to shock them either. Thoughts?
Hi where are you located? Would be cool to have a couple serama pullets, though I would need to discuss it with DH2B. My Mom may also be interested. Do you allow your seramas to mingle with lf birds or to mingle with other bantams? I've never seen one in person and I know they're tiny but would they be okay in a docile mixed flock of bantams or lf, perhaps if they had space only they and the smallest bantams could go if they were getting picked on? We currently have oegb, silkies, and a golden laced sebright living with out lf but have considered making them a tractor.

Ladysmith. I have silkies and Japanese bantams also. Get along fine. While small they are not weak or fail.
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Nice start to a warm weather week! The girls are going to love foraging in the grass again!

Yah, day before it snowed I saw a chicken way away from the coop under a pine tree where she found some bare ground. I guess dried grass is better than none..

today I am going to make some chili to go with the dinner rolls.

has anybody here ever ground up a northern pike , bones and all ?
one of my bowling buddies told me to try it. says to make like salmon patties out of it..
says the bones aren't noticeable when ground that small..

I need a question answered if possible. I have a large buff colored mutt chicken. She is about a year old. I was handling some of the girls the other day including her and noticed that she has little pea sized slightly pointed bumps where a rooster would have spurs. When I got my chickens I had gotten roosters with them, which I culled, but they all had large spurs already. I have never gotten over 12 eggs in a day from my 14 girls. I have another girl that looks to be the same breed as the one I have described and that one does not have the little bumps. Could this chicken be one that will not lay? I have yet to be able to figure out who lays what. Thanks for any advice. I plan to add a few to the flock this year and don't need freeloaders.
All 14 could be laying just not every single day which would be NORMAL. A steady 12 a day from 14 birds is good, and some hens can get spurs. Sounds like all is going great and you have nothing to be concerned with.

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