Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Daethen where are you located again? I know somebody in C WI who is looking to re-home a few EE's.

Packed up oldest son and dropped him off at UW-Parkside on Monday..... it is quite a change not having him around.

Nothing else new here.
what to watch for ? ,,, hmmm,,
keep your lips closed so as to not splash anything into your mouth ....



I second that.... Youngest looked like something out of a horror movie one year because he took a peek in the "flop box".

Never thought of pulling backs out to gut, ever have issues with hitting the gal bag that way, Jim? I think that would be kind of a slick way of doing it and would make me happy as nothing grosses me out more than realizing the kidneys and lung butter didn't get removed.

I watched a chef take apart a bird in 18 seconds once.
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I can cut the chickens in half with a knife or a scissors.
I never even nick any guts in the process.

doing it this way, the breast is free and clear. nothing is sticking to it.. everything is attached in some way or another to the back , or just floating free..

there is a way of cutting gizzards so that you can take the seed sack out intact ..

I worked on a chicken farm where we butchered a over 700 fryers a day.. I cut gizzards until I could do it in my sleep.
that was always the last thing we did while someone else was cleaning up the room.. It was my favorite job because I could sit down and relax while somebody else did the hard job.

that was my first job after graduating from 8th grade.
the farm was in Conover, Wi ...

good wet morning,

this rain is just what I need for my new grass planting.

If it stays real wet, I won't have to wait for snow cover to burn the brush pile..

too wet to mow the lawn, though. but I have the mower blades all sharpened; and ready to go.

Friday my 6 POL pullets are supposed to arrive.

the POL's will be productiion reds..

I had to order them in the spring for Sept delivery.
I guess they don't start raising them until they have the orders .
Sunny Side hatchery is where they are coming from..
the price is right if you don't mind the wait..
$7.3o/each .
It costs that much if you buy chicks and raise them yourself.not to mention the labor.
I started raising a dozen this spring. I have only 2 left. the eagle got the rest .

I have about 26 chicks in the brooder, too. Sagita . straight run. I hatched them for a friend and we split the hatched ones.


Another juicy morning to you all. Work sure flew by last night. Now a few minutes of chill and off to work #2. The extra hours are starting to flow in. Should be picking up an extra 2 or 3 days a week thru the end of the year now. The money sure helps out during the propane season. Have a good day!
Morning all, second cup in and I must be more awake than I thought. Kids out the door without a struggle, laundry rolled and next load in, bills paid, calender filled in, CPR certificate uploaded... and it is only 7:45.

Confirmed yesterday, we officially have two hens laying now. Eggs are the same color so I feel pretty safe to assume it is both the Buffs. We are at 22 weeks now so I am hoping the Rock will be laying soon as I know the Americanas take considerably longer. Surprised that they are squatting though.

All the garden beds that have dirt are planted, lettuce went into the last bed so we will see how long before the freeze. Have a feeling it will come early just to spite me. Teaching today, last week of a quiet schedule as next week I will be picking up two more classes in addition to returning to the Y for a total of five during the week. With subbing at the high school, the garden and kids activities that is about enough for me for this month. We will see what October brings.

Rumor is a bad winter. Anyone check the almanac yet?

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