Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good evening,

I just ate a celebration supper of a small Lotsa Motsa pizza.

I finished all the siding to the left of the chimney chase , all the way up to the soffits.
I am as high on the chimney chase as I can go until I add more outside corners.  can't add them until I frame up the roof..  I will be going at that very strongly on Friday..

I am letting the chickens go into their yard every day.  that will continue until they figure out how to fly over the short fence..  then it will be lock up again..  today the rooster flew over the fence.. nobody followed and he was a very lonely boy for a couple of hours.. LOL
didn't have to coax him back into the coop.


Mmmm lottza mottza pizzas are the best. The chicken Alfredo is to die for
good morning,

cory, I run a light year round. in the summer it helps the chickens to go into the coop when it is getting dark..
in the winter it helps the egg production.
I know some people who are dead against using lights.

some people claim that it stresses the chickens.
I don't have any chickens walking around with over wide open eyes, and they are calm and not skittish.

I cannot work on the siding today
all the rest of the siding is tall ladder work. have to set up for production.

still getting only 4 eggs a day. not a real good showing from those 6 POL I bought from the feed mill..

Anyone familiar with the white faced black Spanish? Someone over near Sheboygan has a pair for sale that look nice and they are a cool looking bird...trying to find out more about them and how I can get them my way...
I think that all three of my cochins are boys... so would love to get rid of some of those stinkers.

Thinking about cindy today. Wish I could get there but work and soccer are calling to me. sigh...I hate to say this as we are only half way through but could really use a week off from soccer. After 8 games on the weekend with the tournaments and every night this week...usually have Friday off but this is Homecoming so I am working on the float and walking with the girls to make sure no one falls off... then football game Friday night. sigh..calgon take me away!

We have a soccer game in Marshall on Sunday so that is halfway to mom so will go visit her and try to get her to eat something good. This is the part I worry about...she is fighting us on an Assisted living home but she is not eating well and forgetting which pill to take when. With the radiation and potential chemo on top of it...not sure she can take this. Chocolate malts for her it is!!!
No posts? Wow.

Cindy's husband's funeral was very nice. The gun salute brought tears to my eyes. It was standing room only also. He was a very loved person and deservedly so. I miss him greatly as I am sure we all do.

It was very nice to see Cindy, Terri & Vicki despite the circumstances. Cindy looked really good and has a very supportive family that was by her side constantly. She is a strong woman and I wish her all the best. Many hugs Cindy.
Cripes what a week. I fell asleep in the recliner at about 2pm and just woke up to go duck hunting. Guess I needed to play catch up. Hoping to limit out today. That would be awesome. Also hoping to not tank my arse out of the boat this time. I'll give you guys a update when I get back!
good morning,
cory, be careful, don't get so many that you sink your boat

I would like to get up on the roof and survey how to frame up the roof on the chase. but if it is raining, I am not going up there.. wet steel roofing is slippery like ice .

Annie now has a cadilac of a pacemaker. she had to have it calibrated before they let her go home yesterday. that took about 2 hours and 4 technicians .

waiting to see what the weather is going to do so I can plan my day ..

Good morning! We are hoping to get the rest of the garden cleaned up today. DH is also hoping to get the lawn mower up and running again.
Good luck with the hunt and the roof. I hope the weather holds for you.

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