Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

picture time,

the rolls I baked while I re-potted the elderberry plants.

had 18 out of 25 bud out. not bad for my first time ever of trying..

square pot in a deli container. there is space on the bottom for water drainage.

ran out of square pots, drilled drain holes in a deli container and stuck it inside another one. put broken pieces of pencil in the bottom to provide space for drain water.



OK Jim, I'll get them in the mail tomorrow...no problem about the postage or the unused seeds that I didn't use....the wind is awful here this afternoon....nicer in the house than the coops for sure.


I used to have about a 50 foot row of real nice asparagus, but then I planted these black walnut trees and they killed off the whole row.
so I planted that row behind the garage, and the raspberries ran them over.

the next row I plant will be isolated from everything in the middle of the new lawn area I just cleared.
some day some body will finally get to eat asparagus grown on this property again.

I can hear the chicken soup and fresh dinner rolls calling.
coming ....

Jim those puppies are super cute...and HUGE!!! and no I don't want one... turning into a smaller dog person. 2 dog household is what hubby said... and he told me no to goats... so we will survive with lots of chickens, guinea pigs, fish and dogs!

Getting seed catalogs and thinking about garden space. Trying to figure out if we can afford a fenced in space or the dogs to run... would be nice to just let the dogs run together in the back yard. But we both prefer wood fence which is not cheap. sigh... someday.

Working on selling out stuff in my rummage sale pile in basement. Has gotten too big but we have moms stuff when she moved out of her condo and she has more boxes as we move her to assisted living soon. Will be having a grand old rummage sale this summer!
good afternoon,

taking a break,

have some bread dough rising to make some hamburger buns to go with the sloppy joes (we call it bbq) ..that I am going to be making after the dough is shaped and into the oven ..

I re-potted six grape scions this morning.
only one of them had a decent root system, . hope I didn't mess things up too badly..


the buns and bbq turned out super.

collected 11 eggs today.

none of them were frozen despite the coop not having any extra heat.

the heater out there quit. I have to bring it in and see what the problem is.. I suspect the fan needs oil.

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christ almighty is it frigid. I've been sick all week and I'm starting to finally feel a little better. Still a touch congested but it's manageable. I was gonna work on my free snowmobile today but I think it will wait until tomorrow or Sunday for the heatwave. Heavy on the sarcasm.
there, that's done. I had to change the battery in the mouse.

I can't remember the last time I had a cold or the flu.
but I have so many other ailments, I don't need anything else to put me down..

I couldn't get to sleep last night, checked the clock every hour on the half hour. at 3:3o i finally got up and made a BBQ and had a glass of ho-made blackberry wine with it.
got back to bed at 4:3o . last time I looked at the clock it was 6:3o. I finally fell asleep and didn't wake up until 10:eek:o. I think lack of outside exercise is the cause.
and also, I napped after supper.

I don't have any plans for today, maybe I will take the coop heater apart and either fix it or junk it.

Brings back memories cw when I sold my Tradewinds snowmobile....after I did that I discovered the vintage club that has a annual get together...it was in great condition, and the guy showed up the day I ran the ad in the paper...wish I woulda kept the classic machine.
Brings back memories cw when I sold my Tradewinds snowmobile....after I did that I discovered the vintage club that has a annual get together...it was in great condition, and the guy showed up the day I ran the ad in the paper...wish I woulda kept the classic machine.
im really excited to go tinker with it but I just haven't felt up to it yet. Supposedly it ran when it was parked 2 years ago so I'm hoping new plugs, fresh gas, and a cleaning of the bowls does the trick. Maybe a small squirt of ether to get the ball rolling[/B]
FFFF.....frigid fish fry Friday to everyone. I suppose the commute to work was less pleasant this week.....enjoy a nice fish fry with a couple or few tall ones and expect a nicer week next week. Tonight it's baked swai and breaded chicken tenders with ho-made Cajun fries and cole slaw from our cabbage and carrots......then it's squash pie that smells yummy coming from the oven. I'll be ready for the lazyboy after supper prolly.


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