Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

good snowy afternoon, got about 3 inches here already and it is still coming down, only lighter than it was..
Brent, I am going to be plowing anyhow, so you can send your snow up here..

A lady drove all the way from Stanley in this snow to pick up a girl pup, down to 2 males and 1 girl, now.
just got two more calls for a girl. sorry, but first come first served.
that makes 10 calls since yesterday and yesterday was the first day on C L ..
one of the callers asked if the price was negotiable .
sorry, no.. and HeII no .

One guy wanted to just take one home and show his wife without paying anything down.. that would be fine with me, if I was a complete idiot

why would a black chicken turn white ?
I have no idea.
maybe she heard that blonds have more fun..

good morning,
I got all my plowing finished. fed the dogs and chickens and don't plan on going out anymore until the evening feeding of the pups.

Now just watch, something will come up and force me outside..

Amazing what people expect from someone selling puppies......smart move on your part Jim, odds are you woulda never seen the pup again or the money. Yep, with that many calls no need to give them away.
I sent the snow up your way Jim, but still managed to end up with 3 inches...dang stuff can start melting anytime now. I'm just gonna drive on these 3.

good afternoon,
yah , some people must think anybody selling something must be stupid. not that I am not stupid, but not THAT stupid.

Brent,that little bit of snow you sent up here didn't amount to much. I didn't even notice it. it was nice snow to plow. light and fluffy.. I could use the back blade a lot going forward and backward.

Our new client did not show up.. the social workers were here on time, but somebody goofed up and he was not put on the transportation schedule. we are going to try again before this weekend.

there are supposed to be 3 people coming this afternoon for 3 puppies. I hope at least one of them will show up.
I have the big boy pup here with me. right now he is sleeping on my foot. that is much better than when he was awake and chewing on my toe ..

Annie went after 5 bags of chicken feed. I am going through 20 to 25 pounds per day.. the egg production went up from 8 or 9 to 11 or 12 . the coop is still staying warm. but I imagine the water will freeze in the next few days when it gets below zero at night.
I cleaned up another 5 gal waterer so I can rotate them.

I am thinking of making another 5 gallon bucket feeder so that I can rotate those, too.
this feeder that I just made is working just super. no waste and the feed does not hang up.. the chickens can eat it to the last little speck ..

I can take pictures if anybody is interested.

u crack me like an egg

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