Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi Far
there are a few people in your vicinity ,
Lake Mills, Sun Prarie, Cottage Grove.
and probably more.

progress report.:
I finished the roof this morning,
then I went at it and finished the siding, too.
Now I am drawing out my window frames.
I like this part. I get to use lots of tools.
table saw, circular saw, air nailer, planer.

I am thinking of putting a ceiling in her now.
I can load it with junk from one gable end.
maybe put the hand garden tools up there.
there are so many of them and it would use up all my wall space hanging them.

I might have one of the left over puppies sold.
I will find out tomorrow.
If so, he will be going to Iowa.
Really kinda funny how much difference the rainfall was here in the badger state...up North here it never quit. I don't think a single week passed without a substantial rainfall here.... the potatoes loved the rain and fertilizer I provided...with a mere 15lbs of seed, my harvest is over 4 bushels this year...some spuds weighing 3 lbs.
Welcome to the cheeseheads resi...good folks here for sure!

Triple batch of salsa done!


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good evening,
I didn't do much today.
I went to the feedmill and picked up 100# of ground oats & corn for
the geese and guineas and one chicken.

I filled the feeder, that should last about a week .

If you folks that make salsa ever plan on attending the annual bash, then we could have a taste contest....mine is awful tasty.....
Canned 7 quarts of beets yesterday...picked up my mettwurst from kropf's today...tonight it's scalloped potatoes with met....this must be heaven here!.... :ya

good afternoon.

Brent, are you peeking in my window ?
We had scalloped potatoes and ham last night.
Annie went to work so it looks like the same for
supper tonight.

I stalled and stalled, and then finally worked up the ambition to go attempt making the slanted sill for the windows.
long story short, it turned out just like I planned it in my head..
I found a piece of 2x6 and planed the bow out of it, tacked on a lip and ran it through the
planer about 8 times. it came out really nice.

It felt like Sunday to me all day.
I almost forgot to take the garbage to the road
made it there about a minute before the truck showed up.

the feeder is working real nice with the ground feed. this is the first time I tried ground feed.

I should make another one and take pictures as I go. I have everything I need to do it.


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