Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

we got the new water installed today.
we crammed a one hour job into an all day affair. only one trip to the store for some PEC elbows. when they say that they are reusable, don't count on it..
4 elbows @ $8.95/each later and the job finally got done.
too bad you can't make the bash.
I was looking forward to meeting you.
It is always nice to put a face with the name..

I am passing up a poker tournament to go
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Back from Germany! What a beautiful place......

The last two shots are Greenland. Our flight flew over the most southern point..... just amazing.
in the army I was stationed in Germany for two years. thought many times about going back. the quaint little gasthaus in the woods is now a large campground .
I wouldn't like that very much.
besides, by now all the locals I knew must be dead..
just have to be content to stay in Wisc and enjoy this fabulous weather we are having.

the plum trees and now the apple tree are in full bloom. lots of bees working them over.. barring any frost, we should be getting a nice crop..
rhubarb is about ready for pies. yummmm
the new strawberry patch we started last summer is really taking off..
Hi Amy...yep June 1,2,3... we didn't start a chickenstock thread this year, but posted a bunch of information on here for the folks that didn't know about it. Hope you can make the bash again.... I have another pizza cutter again this year.
I guess Brent fielded that question.
DD Barby wants to plant corn. since I am not doing a garden this year, I told her that I would get the ground ready for her, but she has to do the weeding..
"Weeding?Do you have to weed corn ?"
Me: "Well, yaaah, who do you think did it
for the past 50 years ?"

I got hearing aids installed today.
they work fine. almost too fine. I can now hear all the background noises as well.. kind of irritating .. I always thought the fan on my computer was quiet. LOL
can now turn the volume on the TV down several clicks..

Kind of looking forward to talking to a young child. I couldn't understand them with their high pitched voices..

Don't worry Jim. That feeling will pass very quickly knowing you (looking forward to talking to a child). :lau

Brent I was just thinking how wonderful that heirloom pizza cutter will look hanging in my cookin nook. ;)

Beautiful pics Mel.

:frow Amy!
Hey Jim, can you hear me now? :eek:
I forgot to mention the pictures bl4. Must be my aging process....but yep, I agree with Robin...nice pics!

good morning,
I painted the AC mount. I will be taking pictures today , If I don't get sidetracked .
It looks like we will be needing AC this week.

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