Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Tilled the garden today and replanted the green beans that I killed with the preen ...maybe have some beans by Sept if this planting grows. The peeps are growing fast and doing well....nothing else new here...but that can be a good thing too.
Hard to beat weenies and beanies when your hungry.

good morning,
already had a donut and a cuppa.
Yesterday I started early and worked at picking up fallen branches until 1PM. Mowed all around the pine trees. No grass in there.
Just some kind of viney plant that looks similar to elderberry. Once it is mowed down it takes a long time to come back.
I was two summers ago that we destroyed them, and not too many came back..
the bees have taken over the tractor again. I have to get the tractor up to the house and blast the nest out with the water hose pressure nozzle.
the Raid hornet killer did not get all of them. It comes out of the can like redi whip creme. I need to get a can of mist type spray..
after the little bit of rain we got, the grass is growing really fast. I have to mow soon or it will be hay again..

ETA: too late. I mowed for an hour. much of the grass is as long as hay already..
I was supposed to do the first oil change at 5 hours.
I had 12 hours on the meter when I started this morning.
now it is 13 hours. I parked the mower at a slant so the oil would drain better..
have to run to F&F to get a new oil filter.
the dehumidifier in the basement is removing about 4 gallons of water per day. .
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Our dehumidifier in the basement has bit the dust. Now we have 2 dead ones down there... I bought a bucket for drying out the basement. It helped a little last year at least.
Going to my sisters today - need to make a quick desert to take.
Our dehumidifier in the basement has bit the dust. Now we have 2 dead ones down there... I bought a bucket for drying out the basement. It helped a little last year at least.
Going to my sisters today - need to make a quick desert to take.

yep, I hauled two dead dehumidifiers out of the basement , too.
luckily all three of them were free.
DD Barby picks them up at rummage sales and gives them to us.
she is the rummage queen. I just tell her what I need and she eventually finds it..
good morning,
at dusk last night, I went and sprayed the tractor with flying insect killer. the fine print said it would kill bees.
I pulled the shroud off and found the nest.
broke it apart with a stick and soaked it with the bug spray.
then I got brave and got aboard and drove it up to the house. didn't see any bees and didn't get stung anymore. so far I was stung 5 times ..
got the oil changed in the mower. have to go find an oil filter.
then I will sharpen the blades and be back in the mowing business..

Working on the final touches of my new incubator today. Contemplated buying the acrylic display window today but decided not to as the hatch is still two weeks out.
I am buying more thermometers.

I started my chickens on fermented feed for the first time today. So far they seem to love it. I think I will stick with it at least for the summer.
Planning to do some fireworks tonight and maybe go to Summerfest.
Cyprus, I always recommend using just ONE thermometer. pick one that you know or suspect is correct and go with it.
In the long run, using more than one will just get confusing and you will never really know where you stand..
trust me on this..
once you find the one thermometer that you can trust, guard it with your life ..
Hi all, staying in and staying cool.
went outside long enough to water the dogs and change the oil filter on the lawn mower.

Yesterday, our township, who seldom do any work, sent an idiot out with a weed whacker on a tractor. whacking weeds along the ditches. the idiot either didn't know a weed from a useful bush or was just feeling spiteful.. at any rate, he completely demolished our beautiful elderberry bush.. I guess he couldn't tell that I had mowed all around it..
I am going to take Ollie and dig up the roots and move them farther onto our property,. this is not the first time the township has s^%t on our property.
years ago they drove several pieces of heavy road equipment onto my field and killed all of my 200 pine trees. .rutted up the field because it was wet..
I complained and they made a feeble attempt to replant the trees. not even one of theirs survived..
they did a P-poor job of planting them..

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