Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Thanks amyable
Geez all you guys are having such great convo's and I'm once again too tired to type. Almost. But I just had to jump on. I told you how Buster walks on the snow like he just stepped in something well when Peatwo walks on ice he raises his foot as far as possible then extends one leg as far as possible then puts it down.
It was good to laugh at him today, what joy they bring me!
L's makin pizza tonight and I'm done for the day. Blue Bullets are slidin.
If you can, use a digital thermometer for getting it up to temp those seem to work better and are more accurate than a candy thermometer. Just collected another 5 gal pail this afternoon so we have almost 15 gal waiting to be boiled down. It seems that the sap runs better when we have sunshine!
Doc, glad you stopped by....kinda quiet here actually without your input I'm thinkin. The blues got me stuck...I could guess, but would prolly be wrong cause I'm callin some of the quenchers by color too! Gotta let me know what you're talkin about though.

Nice drip off the roof today. Spring is coming soon now.

~ bigzio
BlackBrookPoultry Sorry to hear about those coyotes.

Terri, join to headache train. We ALL have them here. Sinus headaches for us.

becky, glad yo caught that rat. Didn't you have rats last year too? Or am I thinking of someone else.

Hello to any Newbies.

And I had to go through a ton of pages. Sorry if I missed anything important.

We have 30 babies and one still working on it. Then time to clean it and start all over. I'll be up to my eyeballs in babies!
Great Friday Eve All.

Had some excitement today. DH tinted the windows on an SUV for a Green Bay Packer!
Edgar Bennett!!
He signed DH's Packer hat and even gave him a tip. Real nice guy. Of course, 2 chickens had to escape while he and his wife were waiting; I had to round up the boogers before they left any presents on the driveway.

So we're 'celebrating' with supper from the local greasy spoon, mmmm fish fry!
WOW Lots of eggs and Bator News...someday......we will make that leap.

Anyone a Duck person on here. Went to TSC for some filters and the boyz saw the ducklings, so now all I hear is "Dad, how do raise ducks?" Soooo Guys How do you raise ducks? I have heard no medicated starter, bigger waterer, etc. But anything specific a guy should know? We do have a very Large pond for them, and a small coop for housing wouldn't be much of a problem, but what else? Thinking the majority would be for meat and eggs.

Enjoy the weekend all!

PS---- The homebrew turned out AWESOME, will make a batch for the Bash.....
Good evening! I am all alone tonight as the fam is at the hockey game in Madison. Yucky out there...glad I am home. I keep thinking I am hearing THUNDER? Maybe...
Cool about the Packer Amy! Sure wish I could have seen you chasing chickens...prolly gave them a laugh too.
FM--30 babies already? WOW!
The guy I get my hay from does maple syrup. He has a huge half drum thing that he boils in. I guess it is an antique that he found at an auction. It holds a whole bunch! He taps his trees on his ridge...going to have to take him some more eggs...last year he gave me a pint!

DH decided to redo the fan in the incubator today. It is making a whole bunch of noise so he made a more stable mounting system for it. St Vinnies had just thrown away a mess of computers so he couldnt pick up a new fan. Now when he does get one he will want to open it again to install it! The temp went down quite a bit while he was fiddling with it.
I sure hope there wasnt any damage...except for the egg he cracked putting the top back on! I was wondering what was causing the humidity to jump...then I saw the broken egg! Got it out of there in a hurry.
Well guess I oughta get outside and close everybody in. Vet coming tomorrow for spring shots and Coggins for the horses...always something! Have a great night. Terri O
well, you came to the right place,,.. I don't have any of what you are looking for, but this is still the right place...''

FondDuLac has just about everything.. I won't be going this year.. unless I can talk my brother into driving..


Anyone else know if there will be any OEGBs there?
I am still up, just got home from playing cards.. had a cop follow me out of town and then he turned off and a different one picked up on me for a few miles out into the country.. It was 2AM and bar time.. I went just under the speed limit and signaled every turn etc.. I wasn't born just yesterday..LOL
I knew the second car was a cop too.. he finally gave up and turned around and went back to town..

who was asking about raising ducks? first thing you got to know is that ducks are extremely messy with their water.. Their whole purpose in life is to empty the water dish, as fast as they can, no matter how big it is.. If you keep ducklings with chicks, the chicks will always be soaking wet..

if you spend time with ducks, they make very good pets, On the other hand, if you do not spend time with them, they can become the wildest birds on the farm..

If you have a pond, you should still make every effort to lock them in a coop every night..

I have muscovys,, they prefer cracked corn over chicken laying mash..

Brent, Blue Bullets are made at the stevens point brewery..

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