Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

a teaser, IDK does it look any different ON the shirt?

CC that's too funny on the ladies john lol
FT please bring the games!
more to do (for the kids) so we can talk.

oh Amyable don't remind me of those bathrooms
I do believe there is a pavilion with cement at this camp.

ETA that that pic is a bad/fuzzy pic, and the white t's look different
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CC if you need any help whatsoever there are plenty of good people hangin around please please don't hesitate to ask. But if memory serves I think it is handicapable. PS give the vehicles with the feathers a fliyin a wide berth!
Then flip em off!
Bigz thanks for the hint hint but it's already in the to go box. I just know I was set up last year whisper whisper grin grin! Think fm and bl4 had a lot to do with it. Guess what it's MY turn this year whisper whisper grin grin! Airing out the sleepin bags that have been in the camper all winter but other than that everything is packed that can be. Noodles are almost dry enough to cook too. Dang near just drooled on myself at the mention. I'm not kiddin I had to swallow! Nice and yellow for some reason? H&R it sucks that you guys are not gonna make this year! I'm sure you'll hear all about for the next WHOLE year! Sorry! FT I have a hard time determining the size of our eggs haven't even seen a store bought to compare to. When I give them to people they say look at the size of those things! The slw's must be large and the prd reds must be humoungous! Can't come close to closing the lid on an extra large carton. Got a great phone call this AM talked to a guy I know that has a road surface recycling company that happens to be working in the old town dump kiddy corner from me. $110 for 10 yds of crushed concrete screened. One more thing to nearly cross of the list. Gotta cook me some noodles! Can't wait till tomorrow!
I got the best gift ever tomorrow. You guys maynot think so, but I'd bring it back home with me if no one wants it.
I like the idea of a extra roo for a gift. Maybe I'll bring two gifts. Raimnel- I won't be there for breakfast either day. LOL, but I would still bring bacon, as it is a gift from the gods to eat. It's the one thing we (DH and I) havent given up. Now venison bacon, don't get me started.
Also like the shirts! CC-Not that I want to make you uncomfortable, but I've been a CNA for 10 years and if you need help, I am willing. Just let me know tomorrow. Well I'm off to mow the grass. Thanks for the directions again! Later
Balloons are up, the camp is open with radio on...I know all about the ladies room....restrooms are inside the main lodge, nice and clean, and wheelchair accessable
I use it all the time

Washed all the waterers today that are in use. Nice and clean again for a couple more days.

Beautiful day today. Mix of sun and clouds with a breeze.
Thank you all for your offers of assistance, but I should be ok. I've been doing it for awhile.
Didn't mean to let the chicken out of the bag.

I already asked Bigz a while back about handicapped facilities. What I really wanted to know was whether I should bring my (manual) chair or a scooter for getting around. And IF I brought the scooter, would it fit into the cripple stall in the bathroom.
If we were going to be in an area with concrete, my chair is fine. But if there is alot of grass & 4-wheelin, then the scooter is my vehicle of choice.
I guess I'll be bringing both, but then there won't be any room for a critter cage in our vehicle.
Bigz we have to stay away from each other!
Don't think I'll need any carbs for a good month. Every batch that goes to the broth is tested at least 3 times.
Don't think it's my best effort but I say that every time. So YOU decide. Go ahead I can take it, I've had worse! Course you haven't had anything to judge it from. Whew! Fits in your face! Sure enough room to BS. Glad their all gone!
Bec know the feelin!
but I guess the best thing about it is the sharing.
Oh another batch of noodles are almost ready for a test, gotta go AGAIN!
just got home from working at another unit- this time around they left it very nice looking-just some minor touch ups and it will be ready to go. Probably have it ready for the new tenants by Wednesday!

Collected 11 eggs so far today, the 2 Blue Marans we got from Hurley each lay an egg a day- today the one laid an extra jumbo egg!

Well need to finish supper and go help DH clear the piles from around our enclosed trailer and empty the backseat of the work truck so we are ready to go tomorrow bright and early!
Well its not that dead!!
I am here in Lake Mills at the McDonalds, accessing their free wifi.. and getting some dinner.
Not sure if TO's place has wifi or not.
I sent her a text to see if she needed me to feed Sunday NITE... so if anyone gets on here from the Bash, let her know to check her texts.
So far no new pips... I didn't hear anything either...
I brought movies to watch on my laptop. I think her DD's and DS are going to think I am a recluse, they probably won't see me as I will be up at the crack of dawn, feeding her farm then off to Oregon to feed client's horses, then won't be back till tomorrow night to feed...
She doesn't have a lot of places to sit in her living room so I may just hang out in her bedroom.
I can't sit on hard chairs... or ones with little padding, I may have excess padding around my middle.. but my seat bones like a little extra.
Well goodnight All,
I will be on sometime tomorrow.

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