Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

congrats TerriO,, Maybe now those other states will have a little more respect for cheeseheads, eh?

Yes, I have an 8ft wide x 16ft long trailer.. anybody can use it if they want to borrow it.. just bring it back soon so it is here for the next guy..

I paid $1.5o per bale for 60 pound bales of hay.. grass and timothy.. real nice horse hay.. the bales will be slightly rotted by spring, then they will go onto the compost pile.. It seems like a waste, but straw costs more.. and how else could I build a 4ft x 10ft temporary shelter for $30.oo?

no rain or snow here yet. I was supposed to go to town with Sally tonight for poker.. i am not sure I want to go.. might be freezing rain later on..
Just because I am ready for snow, doesn't mean it has to come..
the first snow will prolly melt anyhow,, the ground isn't even frozen yet..

Brent, I heard of hanging orange in the cow barn, maybe you could hang yours in the chicken coop , eh ?


sorry, I was playing Moses and hit the button twice..
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Hi everyone-

I'm new here, live in Vernon County. Wish that hen house was closer, it'd be great to have! Anyone else in Vernon or LaCrosse county?
Welcome to the cheeseheads purplehorse....go ahead and keep coming back.

That's a good deal on the bales Jim. I was thinking of making a bale house for the boys. I have one last farmer to check out and see if the bale house is still a option.

I was just to the feed mill and picked up 4 bags of layer ration and 110 lbs of whole corn for $46.50....I didn't take the slip, so i don't know the actual breakdown but know it would have been that much just for the layer at FF....so I got free corn right

Later... bigz
Candled eggs today. I was able to look at 3 of the 5 and noticed that 2 were alive and kicking in the egg, 1 was never fertilized and the other 2 had really dark green shells and I couldn't see anything. Tomorrow night we will look again with the kids and take the dud out.

My Broody is doing a great job!!!

Well BigZ--I think you got a really great deal there! My layer is right around 12 bucks a bag. I think you did get your corn for free! T

ETA: WhooHooo Ken! Isnt is great to be able to see that? Fuzzy butts for you soon!
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Congratulations TO. Ken how exciting for you, can't wait for pics of fuzzy butts. Welcome 1 Purplehorse
Brent not so sure about Jims idea of hanging the orange in the coop ??
Night all, Susie
DrH, thanks for the well wishes, and sorry to hear about the saw. I agree, prices are going up like crazy lately. No more 3 to 5 cent jumps: now it's 50. Or more.
I was pricing a 4 oz can of mushrooms last week. They used to be 52 cents a couple months ago, now they're 98! WTH!

TO, you better get those 'mato cages picked up before they get run over with the lawn mower.
Wow, congrats on the win with Elaine!
I wish I would have known about that contest. I could have entered Moose, not that he's all that attractive....... Maybe Moose & Elaine could have been celebrities together.
I hope you feel better tomorrow. I absolutely hate when I get those days of having no energy.
The prices for layer feed & straw bales are the same here as what yours are, TO. Bigz, you got one heck of a deal!

Nothing wrong with repurposing stuff that others throw away, Tiki. If you can find a use for it, why not? More people should learn to "recycle".

1purplehorse! Happy to have you join us.

Congrats on the eggs, Ken.

What a wet, dreary day down here. Looks like tomorrow will be more of the same, with a chance of a few flakes mixed in.
I'm so ready to just fast-forward to spring already! I'll bet Deb is too. Where ya been, Deb? Too busy enjoying her new wood burner, no doubt.

That is an awfully nice little chicken coop, on wheels too. Can you picture FT hooking it up behind her truck & hauling it home?
Feathers flying, Butt dog hanging out the window, maybe a peahen or 3 looking out the broken window of the truck cap.
ET probably wouldn't let her take that road trip for fear of her returning with it completely filled to the brim with critters she picked up on the way.

Well, better feed these ravenous cats and get to bed.
Sweet dreams, all!

Robin that is way to funny !!!! I was actually just starting to wind down so I could get to bed early tonight and read your post !!!!
The sad part about it is IT IS SO TRUE !!!!

If I had the money and the truck tires weren't almost bald I'd go for it. What's another road trip right ???? You know that's not such a bad idea for going on road trips !!! Just haul the coop around and pick things up !!!
Yesterday I came home with 3 more peahens and a free guinea. There other guineas were all victims of predators and this was the last one standing. She asked if I wanted to buy him and I said I would take him if she wanted to just find him a home with other guineas. I drove 140 miles to get the peafowl and she wouldn't drop a penny on them
After seeing her place I now know why too !!! One of those kind of people, with money !!!

Anyway so now I have 6 new peafowl ready to breed next spring and 3 of my 1.5 yr olds that could possibly think about laying next year.
Those birds are strong, let me tell ya. Now I have more feathers to add to my collection !!! I tryed getting them out of the vari Kennels and when I went to grab her I pulled the tail feathers out. Boy do they come out easy !!

Jim, do you know if that guy has any more of that hay for $1.50 for the 60 lbs bales? Squares right? How many bales do you think would fit on your trailer ????

Well, my brain is fading and I"m drifting off so I had better close before I start sleep typing. I'm really beat today but I had to go to town AGAIN today. DH told me last night that he was out of his coumidan !!!!! So had to call the doc for a refill. Then drive 30 to go get it !!!
THEN when I got home DH asks me if I got dog food for the big dogs ???? NO I didn't, so guess what I have to do tomorrow ?? Plus people want eggs and I have hardly any !!!! I'm really starting to think I want out of the egg selling business !!!! Selling hatching eggs is one thing but eating eggs are a whole new ball game. I'm tired of playing !!! These people seem a bit put out that the hens aren't laying, WELL EXCUUUUuuuUUUSSSE Me !!!

Oh and the lady I got the peafowl from gave me some duck eggs. Think they may be runner mix. Some she had their were adorable, black and white. So I might put them in the bator. And my very tiny Dutch bantam's just started laying so I might put them in there too !!

Ok night all, I'll try to catch up in the morning.

Oh and
to all the newbies !!!
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hi, just checking in.. planning on sleeping in util the snow stops , even if it takes two days..

well I did go to play poker after all.. I didn't really want to, but dd#1 drove all the way out here to get me , so I went..

Sandi, I don't think he has any more hay, but I know of another guy who might.. I don't know his prices or how much he might have left.. I put 20 bales on the trailer, that was just one layer ..
You could easily fit 60 bales on.. I don't know what weight the trailer is rated for.. there are no tiedown rings along the sides and there are no side racks either..

tired, need sleeeeeeeeeeeeppppp .. nite !!


TO... congrats! Where is the winning pic?

Jim.... if that cockatale is as mean as you say .... your lucky you have a finger!

Kee... Sorry about the losses and I remember those cuties! Glad they're doing so well!

FT.... You may get mad at him but I think DH/ET is very good about your "critter addiction"
So... pics??? Yep... see you putting down the road with "The Critter Collector" in tow!

Welcome newbies!

I just got a nice big wave of "tired"! Sorry if I missed stuff but going to try to sleep! Night all!

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