Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

My head is just banging, so I'm going to try to keep this short.

Can chickens ever not run into problems?
DH got up for work, turned on the TV to check the chickie status, and lo and behold, there was momma, Alice, up on top of the 6' high kennel panels sleeping with her 5 babies. Wait.......5? There's supposed to be seven! Hastily flick through the other cameras, come to the one in the coop and there are the 2 MIA babies sleeping with the adults on the highest perch, cuddled up against one of their auntie buffs. Aaarrghhhh! Thanks for the heart palpatations! They definitely inherited their mothers skill at flying really well, since she is the only one of my chickens that can jump from the ground to the top of the kennel, and that's even without using her feet to grab onto the fence to help her. She just jumps, flaps a little and she's up there. Crazy bird.

As far as my little lav & splits go, I'm beginning to think I've got all roos. They are the rowdiest little bunch of chicks I have ever seen! You'd have thought they spent quite some time with Bf4 before I got them. She must have been whispering to them through their shells before she gave them to me, and now they taught my other 3 how to be naughty. They're running around, screaming, flapping and chest-bumping all over creation. Nothing at all like my angels from Moose and Alice.


Well, I'd better get my keester to bed a little earlier tonight. Moose will have me up at the *****-crack of dawn again, no doubt. Sigh.
Sweet dreams, all!
CC... My hubby is the one to make boys from anything he touches. I only make angels....! I candled the LO eggs today and have 6 viable at this point. I even saw tiny little week old blobs dancing in there! SO cool! I think it's rather funny you have cameras to watch the chickens. Isn't that expensive? And what happens when Moose gets frisky? Is that considered chicken porn...?
Got my 3 new Call duckies in the mail today!
Slight disappointment in the drake as far as size and type go (he's kind of big and "clunky"
), but the girls are so pretty I'll forgive the seller. Anywho, here are a few pictures!

Two of the newbies (in quarantine until after we move!) And the Chocolate girl I hatched late last summer (a new personal favorite!)

...and a pair of Columbian Cochins.
I have a cockerel and 3 pullets hatched last summer from these two to play with this year, can't wait to hatch more! They were more challenging to hatch than the darned Calls!

We have a plumber coming tomorrow to re-do pretty much ALL the plumbing in our new house - $$$$
- but once he's done we can finish both bathrooms and move in! We had to take an entire wall out of the kitchen and re-frame it, which we'll have to drywall ourselves (anything to squeeze all we can from our budget!) and the ceiling downstairs can't be finished until the original, somewhat sagging ceiling beams from the '30's are jacked up and screwed in level with the new beams that were added to support the second-level addition that was built about 6 years ago (it's structurally sound, we're just never going to get drywall to lie flat on it the way it is now!). Still a lot of work ahead of us, but slowly and surely, it's getting there!
Hi All!
Guess I got to try to remember when the internet bill is due!

OK.... I caught up reading....

Cool new additions!

Amyable... cute pic,! Love the look on big brother!

Oh DrH, sorry about your little PR... friendly, but not very hardy little girls.

Jim... You got to get that hood ornament centered and take a trip to town and show it off!
I copied what you said about setting the temps. too!

TO... Ummm.... bed rest is bribing and/or guilting other people into doing the chores! Get to bed and sleep it off! That's an order!

Still debating if I want to start eggs on the 11th or wait 'till the first. Room is an issue. I may just have to kick the garden tractors out of my shed/coop and cover them with a tarp for the rest of the winter. We need more buildings!

Ok.... I go to bed now... night!
Quick question for everyone this morning. Today is lockdown in my incubator. I have a GQF 1502, so when take the eggs off the turner and put them into the hatching tray, do I just lay the eggs down on their side or should I leave them in the egg holding tray?

Thank you for your input,

Good Morning Everyone! So much going on! Apyl when DH ?s the duckies tell him their deformed chickens and you felt sorry for them.
Jim think that hood ornament gives new meaning to impaired driving. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me the beard still needs a serious trimin. MLH hope Buzzy gets better soon! tiki I agree with Jim and others turn it down and let it go they should be fine! CC that's cool about the chicks being integrated like that. Have to clean the apartment today gonna let the lil ones into the main coop area but think I'll kick the big kids out first unless someone is in a nest box. Have quite the pile under their roost.
keedokes long time no hear, hope things have worked out for you! Amy the only thing missing is Cartmans face. I can see the roseyness in his cheeks in my head!
Cool pic! Thanks for all the condolences for the PR! She had days that she seemed just fine but the day before she died she was laying next to the garage in the sun all day and never moved. TO get your butt to bed! Tell DH and anyone thats around that THEY have to pick up your slack! Dang ingrates! Sf good thing you kids are young!
You've got a lot to do! Can't remember but think you said you'd be able to have all the animals you want at the new place? Can sure tell a front came through, knee is swelled up and my shoulder hurts
Had to take Ibu this morning. It just SUCKS! Dan sorry about the haircut hope the snow bucket on the Fiord keeps the Albino brain chiggers away!
mazo I've been pondering that very same thing for some time. I hate when the chicks start hatching and stumbling around in the bator disrupting the other eggs. Think it might cause some of them to drown. Have been thinking of a rack that would keep the eggs from being turned but not so high as to impede the hatchlings. I know some people use the bottom half of an egg carton but think I'd lay them on their sides no matter what for more of an opportunity to pip and zip.
I think a good idea would be to have a second bator fired up and move the zipped into it. Jim? Others? Now I'm thinin about the tiki eggs
should I just wait and see how many hens I've really got or go ahead and hatch again? Thinking if I hatch again and have enough hens Donny would take the overflow. MLH chicken math kickin in!
Hey mazo you wouldn't happen to know of a guy named Bill Brewer? I met him as a kid while up nort and haven't forgotten him. He was from mazo, have pic of him and I holding a red horse that we caught in the early sixties. Was thinking that maybe it's a good thing that my shoulder and knee hurt. It detracts from the pain in other area's.
Hope your hatch goes well!
My sister and I are coming to Fund du lac this wekend. I know I should have posted this earlier but didn't even think about it-my sister is looking for some black sumatra bantams and I was wondering if anyone around that area would have any for sale while we are there? Or hatching eggs? Or along the way? I'm thinking we'll be taking 94 most of the way across (we live in MN) unless someone has something that we want and we have to detour.
She wants the sumatras and is also looking at getting a black swan pen for her cob. I have OEGB and am always looking for different colors, right now, chocolate, porcelain, mottled, mille fleur, blue mille, and anything else that sounds interesting. Thanks.

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