Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good morning folks,
and a purrfect day it is in the north country,,,couldn't ask for better weather

Joe, when I said colors at night it was from the "bright moonlight" silly man everyone knows it's been too dry for the good 'shrooms

time for me to start the canning process here, today I'll get the maters that I plant for ME picked and ready for a start tomorrow, I need to pick some basil, onions, peppers as well,,,,I make what I call pasta sauce, I usually can at least 30 qts. I also do pts of Chile sauce (chunky ketchup) hard to beat.

I also like to freeze a bunch of tomatoes whole then grab them a gallon at a time for winter use in chilly or whatever,,,always more time in the winter. I learned the freezing mater trick a few years ago if you have the freezer space it works great, run some hot water of them still frozen the skin falls off, core and toss them in the pot to cook down.

going to look at a 3pt transplanter today, does a great job on onion plants and strawberries, just a one seater, I need to find out what the proper speed is, the old ford might be to fast (believe it or not,lol) I looked at this unit a few years ago it can be changed around to plant various plants, bulbs, etc,,,,

I know little about the ground cherries but I have friends that grow them they are like Amy's and can become a weed in the garden, select an area to let them go wild in is what I have been told.


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DrHaHa- Be careful what you wish for with the extra building thing!!! We bought our house last August and now have a 40x40, a 40x60, and a 100x40. Amazing the amount of crap that other people suddenly have and are wonderin if you have room for!! Not a big deal overall, but I have an uncle who is sure it'd be the perfect spot for his classic car and that's just a horrible idea but he seems to forget that we already said NO!!

Sorry I don't remember who said they want blue eggs, but I have to say we have them and they are pretty cool! Except no one that gets eggs from us wants them and we even had one person ask if they were rotten..... Yup that's right I gave you rotten eggs!! Ding bat....
Sorry Dan must be short term memory loss. aj1785 man how right you are. Good neighbor Donny just stopped over looking for some trailer lights wire which of course I had and I asked him about storing my Case in his pole shed/barn.
TO I think we have different plants! Grabbed a couple pics from the 'net.
Here is what the plant looks like. These things sprawl 2 feet in all directions.

Here is the ripe fruit, 1/2 - 1 inch across, wrapped up in those papery husks. You have to wait till it falls off on it's own or it's not ripe. They are really sweet and fruity tasting. The kids love 'em, Cartman downed at least a dozen before supper tonight.

OH yah these are exactly like mine... I think Terri has a wild variety, but they are not ripe, I think they should be left to fall too before eating that will make them at there ripest/sweetest to can or eat. Kim
Well been busy all morning with Tomatoes, and salsa The boy said Maaa we have no hot salsa can you make some.............. so guess What I have been doing since 7am, yup canning hot HOT salsa, lots of Jalopeno's in this batch, bet he won't holler its too mild this time, bet he burns his butt for a week. hehehe serves him right.....
also did 5 more qt.s of stewed tomatoes, and some chili starter, made from the left over juice with added tom.s from the salsa..... so far today I did 9 pints of salsa, 5 qts chili starter, and 9 pints of tomatoes......... argg I'm tired already and didn't get my ride this morning will have to do it tonight.... so later all........Kim
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Ok, here we go.............

Got the last of the painting and caulking done on the coop door, fence and gates! Felt like Tom Sawyer setting out there on a bucket slopping paint

Saw the funniest thing I've ever seen while painting the run gate. Motion caught my eye and I looked to see Momma Butt in the shade under the chickie canopy, dirt flying everywhere, taking a nice dust bath, so happy I could hear her purring! Started to get concerned where little Noodle was when more movement caught my eye. I realized what I had thought was maybe Momma's wing or leg??? because it was definitely black and feathered was my "white" chick, right next to mom, getting totally buried as it was doing it's best to do exactly what mom was doing!!! I have never seen one so tiny try to stretch it's wings fall over and make dirt fly!!!
Don't know if that poor baby will ever be white again!
Jim I was up, no time to post though. I made lunch for the skeleton crew that works on Saturday. Brats, baked beans, potato salad, corn on the cob, and brownies with PB swirl.... then in my rush to go home, I forgot the dang buns!

Tomatillos are a lot bigger than husk cherries (husk tomatoes....) whatever you want to call them. My mom grew them once when I was a kid, I do nor remember them ever growing back after winter.

I core my tomatoes before I freeze them.

DH is taking a nice snooze here.... I should do the same. It has been a very long day....
Good evening All...not use to the up at 4.30am anymore...sure was a beautiful sunrise today.
Long trip up and back...lookin good...

Yep, I started with one coop, then went to a second larger one. Me and suzie were talking about a third...think the size you are talkin is just about right Doc.

The cukes are done..I have some for the flock out there yet...mine love them cut in half and never tire eating them...the zukes are killed by the powdery mildew and half the maters are winding down fast...sept now and the main growing season was great even with the long dry spell...we are blessed here. The pantry is bursting.

I'll see how the cranberry beans turn out...I usually grow the vermont variety. I tryed a minnesota variety this year...we will see....they are starting to dry on the vine now. Gotta love those ho-made home grown beans.

drive safe...bigz
I will agree with you there BigZ, the sunrise was BEAUTIFUL! With both sun and moon in the sky..... wish I could have gotten a shot of that today....

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