Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hope all has been well with everyone- haven't checked-in in awhile. Tough day for me today as I sent my 3 oldest back to school this morning. They've been gone for 2hrs and I'm still crying, lol! They were so cute though- had to run down and check for eggs before the bus came

Hope all of you with kiddos have a great school year!
Hope all has been well with everyone- haven't checked-in in awhile. Tough day for me today as I sent my 3 oldest back to school this morning. They've been gone for 2hrs and I'm still crying, lol! They were so cute though- had to run down and check for eggs before the bus came

Hope all of you with kiddos have a great school year!

It's going to be weird not having oldest DS here, he is kindergarten all day, 5 days/week now. No tears though, maybe it is not so bad for me because the school is next door? I can peek through the trees and see him at recess sometimes.

TO, nice job on the taters! A taste test and everything! I will get to my spuds and make a full report, but not today. Or tomorrow. Or the next! DH and I are going on a business trip to Indie this week, MIL is coming to hold down the fort with the kids and critters. I gotta have all the laundry done and put away, floors and bathrooms clean, and probably 10 lists of how-to-do-that-chore.
It shall be very nice to get away though, first time ever for more than one nite!

Ghost, terribly sorry about Bugsy.
Good Morning All! Aww all the babies leaving the nest.
GR65 so sorry to hear about Bugzy! Sounds like it's his time.
There was more but it's gone. Sittin here drippin just finished forking a truck load of loose straw into the appartment in the coop. Hopefull enough to get through the winter with. Even with the peppers and onions in the maters I water bath them and never had had a prob. like Bl4 said it all gets boiled again when making sauces. Just as long as it seals. Oh Kris BL4 works at the uw. Gotta go downtown for a few things then after L's nap is over she's going to guide me through her marinara recipe.
OK everyone...I KNOW you all have been waiting with bated breath for my 2012 potato experiment! Remember last years....planting in a barrel was a bust....this year I went with heirloom types to see how they grew. I have NO FRIGGEN IDEA why I decided that I had to dog potatoes on the hottest day of the year...but I did and once I got started I had to dig all the heirlooms just to see what else there was....kinda like digging for buried treasure ya know? AMY--you need to post your results also. I got the potatoes and gave Amy hers at the bash...So OK...here are the pics:

Yellow Finn---not a great producer but I might have mixed some up with the Fingerlings. Nice yellow color. I will report on flavors after dinner tonight...

These are the fingerlings. I thought they would be more like the shape I planted (finger-like) There may be a few Yellow Finns mixed in here however. They did all hold onto the plant and had to be broken apart.

Purple Viking--really a cool looking potato! Very white inside. I think this might have been the whole gathering of the two potatoes I planted though so not a great producer. Maybe there are more in the garden but I dont think so.

These are the results of some of the RedGold potatoes from my grocery store. Again they did not carry on the golden flesh that they had when purchased.

My favorite! These are called All Blue. they were very prolific for only planting 2 potatoes! (cut up of course) A few nice big specimens and lots of little ones. The only problem I had was that they are very hard to see in the dirt of the garden!

Just for fun I dug one one my Kennebec potatoes. This is in a gallon pail not a 5 gal LOL! The plants are still alove and this will be my "keeper" potato for the winter.
I have not dug the Yukon Gold or the Norland Reds as yet either...those vines are still growing too.
Ya know, looking at this report, I guess it is not a great surprise that my garden didnt produce a lot this year...it seems that I planted a whole BUNCH of spuds! LOL!

Hey Amy....waiting for your report! TerriOpotatocrazy!
Very Nice. Looking forward to your reply after dinner.
Morning all!! I don't have anyone leaving my house for school yet as my only child is 8months old, but I feel for all you mama's who had to put little ones on the bus this morning!! Hopefully they will have a great first day though so it's not a fight for the rest of the year. . .

So here's my question for the day. Just went out to pick up eggs from the girls, and one of my BO's is all snuggled into a nesting box with blood on her beak. It's up near the top where it joins her feathers/comb, and she let me check it out without any protest, but it has me concerned. It doesn't seem to be gushing blood or anything like that and didn't bleed anymore when I was looking at it. Any theories as to what could have happened or anything in particular that I should watch for? I very new to chickens yet and have no idea what to think at this point. . .
You all wait until BigFam posts her back to school pic.... LOL!!!! I will say the ONLY time I have felt a stirring of emotion was when I sent the oldest DD off to Appleton West.... odd sending your 14 yr old from a school of less than 500 students to one of over 1400..... she looked so little at that time...

Yes Kristi I work at UW-Fox in the Biology department. I set up the labs and make sure the profs have everything they need (solutions, micro plates, dyes, chemicals, etc...) I call this my 'fun' job since I set my own hours and just come in and do whatever they need me to do.

Back to work!

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