Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Hi All!

What are you feeding those chickens?

BigZ... Congrats on the bear! Good eatin' ahead!

GR....Peace to Buggsy and to you

kris... those are pretty birds!

Bl4... I read the article and the post .... Guess that guy is a Chicken Hawk!
Yep, he needs a hobby.... maybe a few nice birds.

Jim...I see your point on feeding and less work over winter... but, It just don't seem right!

TO... If you get that restaurant just think.... you could specialize in FRESH chicken and eggs!

Guinea mom is down to 3
sure hope she doesn't loose any more! It's so sad because I'm sure they just lost track of mom then died of exposure,
No way I can walk everywhere they went to look for it either. If the other 2 hens return with keets I think I'll try to pen them.

Nothing else good going on here.... night!

Good Cool Morning To Everyone! Forgot to say thanks to Dan for the garlic planting tip. Still thinking a box outside the garden though. Unless I disc the garden then plant. Hmmm Still too many veggies in there to do it now. And from what little bit I read it said to plant around 6 weeks before a killing frost so that would have been a couple of weeks ago.
DAS that is one huge egg! That one is certainly the strangest I've ever seen. Cind sorry about losing the keets!
You know how that goes. Jim glad you found out that the throw out brg was bad now. Hope you guys get a lot accomplished this weekend! Heading out to clean the coop and the garage shortly. I see it's getting back into the 80's next week.
Starting to get itchy to make some wood. Laura did a half day of work yesterday came home as I expected, hurtin. Put the pressure canner and wb in the wardrobe yesterday plus all the empty jar boxes. Now all the canning stuff is in one place and it made a lot of room on the back porch shelves. I'm betting not for long.
DAS those are some COOL eggs!


Now all I need to do is figure out who 'Henry' is. It must be somebody I know, and someone who attended City Council meetings so that narrows it down to a group of 4-6 people. Thanks to Must Love Hens, her DH is coming on the 18th to present his Urban Poultry Seminar at our Library. I have invited those who are against us to attend so that they may voice their concerns, but I do not think they will show. Unfortunate too, they might learn something.

BTW, anyone posting on the article you should use a different username. You can google search your username and pull up all of your posts on here......... so they can find you.
Kim and Adam should be here soon.. we are having spaghetti.. Kim is bringing her sauce along..
I hope the peeled tomatoes she uses doesn't kill me..

Nephew canned about 20 pints of salsa from the peppers and tomatoes from the garden.. The first batch was very good,, and I am not even that big a fan of salsa..
Did he leave the peels on?

MLH, I sure hope you are feeling better today.

Good for you, Ang, on the integration & rehoming.
Went to the dr. at 3:15 yesterday. Didn't get home til 6!
But at least there are no broken bones, which suprised him greatly due to the amount of trauma and the advanced osteoperosis in my bones. Great....... He also told me my platelet count was low. Boy, he was just the bearer of great news. But it could have been worse. A lot worse. On the bright side, the swelling has gone a bit down today.

So, you ready to go racin', boys? If it ever stops raining, that is? Dam!
wet and rainy evening here..... just seemed to sneak up on us--waiting for it to slow abit to take the dogs outside :)

hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, we had a soccer game today- DS(10)'s team won and tomorrow DD will play in her 1st game.

didn't get alot done today and probably should have but I guess it will wait for another day.

off to take dogs out, have a nice evening.
Baby-- I hope you are able to get everything passed!! People have an overall LOUD image of all poultry due to roosters, IMO. Having a few hens or ducks shouldn't be an issue noise wise!

Tried to put a roof on my parents house today. Naturally it rained, so over half the house is currently covered by tarps to try to keep their beds dry for the night. Hopefully tomorrow the guys are able to finish it all up. . .I'm just in enlisted help for keeping them all fed!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.
Rainy Day To All.... hope you can change some minds in Wega bl4....kinda tough few soles with squeaky wheels that want attention....I read all the comments and have to bite my tounge...sure hate to go to jail for verbal abuse.....hawk is a jerk to put it nicely.....like to meet him..man to man! Or is it Man to Whimp!

Yep, watching the race...how about the places that #5 has moved up already....gonna be a good fender bender here before long.

Send me a PM with your name and address Cind....when I get the sausage back I'll send you a stick. Don't know when it will be done, but won't be a real long wait I'm thinkin.

Thanks for all the congrats on my successful hunt...you guys are the Bestest!

Back to the race.....come on #88

BigZ, thanks. Cowards hide behind screen names with issues like that. What is really unfortunate is that I probably know who that is too.

If you get your sausage finished before BigFams bash let me know and I will pick some up for CC.

Watching Star Trek NG and listening to my DH beat his phone playing a game..... I think we are getting old here...

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