wives/fiances/girlfriends: any advice for getting my BF to finish coop

Put an ad on craigslist under "barter" Lil lady needs someone to help her finish coop. Nice home cooked meal for finishing off chicken coop. Leave your mans' cell number XXX-XXX-XXXX
Hobbley FARM
OH WOW! The Rev. would NOT be happy!
I get all supplies, from the boards to the nails, hide the cell phone...actually turn it to silent (when he's not looking)
and go outside and go to work... he can't stand it, cause, I don't have a clue what I'm doing! Learned this from my mother....

The key for a smooth day... ALL SUPPLIES MUST BE PRESENT!
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I guess I'm clueless about lazy men. What is the reason this has not been finished? What does he say when you ask him? And I agree with many others here. Learn to do it yourself. If it's just that he's lazy, it's time for him to go!
Buff is wise beyond her years! I hate when my wife tells me what to do...even when it makes absolute sense.

Now, I'm sure I have some sort of mental problem that explains it, but if my wife started puttering around with my projects, I have to admit, I'd shoo her and go do it...

Us men are such 'tards... why is that?
explain to him that you know he wants to finish it but he's been susy so you'll go out and start working on it to help him out WITH HIS TOOLS and then make as much noise and grinding and crashing as you can with the tools....he'll spring into action. No man I've ever known can put up too long with his tools being ill-treated.
freemotion wrote:
Manipulation 101

Make sure he sees your indoor preparations. Make a big noisy deal out of finding the right old clothes, find the perfect gloves, fill up a water bottle or a thermos as if you are going camping. Gotta catch his attention....but SAY NOTHING. Hum a little. Act important, happy, eager. Go out the door. He WILL peek out the window.

Gather tools, look at the wood, pick pieces up and inspect them. You have to give him time to decide and get dressed.

Pick up the biggest piece of wood or window or whatever that you can handle. You might consider just moving the table saw across the yard (unplug it first!) It doesn't really matter what it is.

Pretend to stagger a bit. This is not the time to show off your womanly strength and stamina.

Pretend to drop the edge of it on your foot, or bump your shin, or something creative. Put the item down and sit on the grass, facing AWAY from the house.

Rub your leg, foot, whatever, for a minute or so. Look at all the tools, wood, shingles, etc. Take off a glove and use the edge of your sleeve to dab at your eyes. It is important that you be facing away from the house at this point so he does not see you laughing.

You may have to get up again and wander around aimlessly, picking up and putting things down in confusion.,.... etc.

It is completely unbelieveable to me that y'all women are not kidding when you post these things. Manipulation?!? Are there truly guys out there who don't jump to do things for the DWs/SOs just because they know it'll make them happy? Or at least respond that he'll try to find the time as soon as possible?

My DW complains more than anything that I'm doing TOO MUCH for her. I take care of everything outside and also try to do some things inside like vacuuming (she has a bad back) and laundry (with some success). I do it because she does so much for me. I'm not trying to come across like I'm perfect, by any means. After all, I'm just a man (cue the Tammy Wynette music).

Instead of trying "methods" or "manipulation", why not just sit down and ask him why he's not finding time to do it? Maybe you tried that already, but your first post didn't indicate whether you did or not.

Good luck.

BTW, RickiHupp's threat from her first post on this thread would certainly work on me. As a last-ditch method, of course.

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It is completely unbelieveable to me that y'all women are not kidding when you post these things. Manipulation?!? Are there truly guys out there who don't jump to do things for the DWs/SOs just because they know it'll make them happy? Or at least respond that he'll try to find the time as soon as possible?

My DW complains more than anything that I'm doing TOO MUCH for her. I take care of everything outside and also try to do some things inside like vacuuming (she has a bad back) and laundry (with some success). I do it because she does so much for me. I'm not trying to come across like I'm perfect, by any means. After all, I'm just a man (cue the Tammy Wynette music).

Instead of trying "methods" or "manipulation", why not just sit down and ask him why he's not finding time to do it? Maybe you tried that already, but your first post didn't indicate whether you did or not.

Good luck.

BTW, RickiHupp's threat from her first post on this thread would certainly work on me. As a last-ditch method, of course.


I hav to ask--- are you an engineer?
AllChook, you're sweet and goodhearted and a gem among humans.

Yes, there are turd men out there who will ignore the needs of others, just as there are turd women who, well, are rotten, lazy and selfish. Neither sex has the monopoly on idiocy.
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