wonderful duck owners share your pics.

m.kitchengirl :

the 2 littles enjoying some lap time:

I call my baby ducks the same thing! My husband laughs at me, so I'll have to tell him I'm not the only weird one!!​
Love your anconas.

Thanks! Its been such an adventure getting them. I have looked at this topic so much & everyone else's gorgeous little quackers while I waited to find mine. It was VERY exciting to post to the thread yesterday.
All are settling in well & I am having a grand time!

The problem with this thread? Everyone has such lovely duckies... I look at them all & want some of "those", too.
m.kitchengirl :

Love your anconas.

Thanks! Its been such an adventure getting them. I have looked at this topic so much & everyone else's gorgeous little quackers while I waited to find mine. It was VERY exciting to post to the thread yesterday.
All are settling in well & I am having a grand time!

The problem with this thread? Everyone has such lovely duckies... I look at them all & want some of "those", too.

Me too!!
me too!

and those runners...lol!

ps: how oh HOW do you get little lappies? Is that the secret to taming them? Pick them up and immediately set them on your lap? I never did get my 7 ducklings quite that tame. Of course maybe I had too many to work on. lol. They hated being picked up every time I tried. I even started feeding peas as a treat while being held. maybe the secret is in the lap.
I would say you got two blue sweeds and 1 black. I want some blue sweeds sooooo bad but my mom says "no! Way!" So oh wells lol.

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