Woo-Hoo, The Cool Coop Gadget Is Here!


9 Years
Jan 27, 2010
Ever since I saw the picture of the wooden treadle feeder in the Learning Center, I've been trying to figure out how I could build one like it since I couldn't afford the major bucks one of those galvanized metal ones cost. Well, Dogfish has been kind enough to volunteer making a prototype and then to share his plans with all of us. Being the impatient type, I contacted a woodworking site while I waited -- and this gentleman has also been good enough to design and finish a wooden chicken treadle feeder and to post the plans on his website FOR FREE!

So, you will now have a choice of two sets of plans to make your very own treadle feeder. Every coop should have one if you're a gadget freak, have rats around, or just like teaching your birds new tricks for entertainment!

This great guy, Wayne Murray, is who answered my request and referred it to the second site. If you use these spectacularly-detailed free plans (with materials list and diagrams), why not send a thank-you for his time and trouble? Or browse through his site?



(Notice he even posted a warning to protect the chickens: "DO NOT apply any poly, paint, or other chemical sealers as the birds may ingest it.")

UPDATE: I was so impressed with the design and construction of this treadle feeder that I asked Wayne Murray if he would sell me the prototype. Well, he spent $26 boxing it up and insuring it to get it safely from Wisconsin to Washington, and it looks absolutely AWESOME! It's huge, smells wonderfully of pine, and the workmanship is so exacting that it's almost a shame to let my flock at it. Hmmm, maybe I could put hubby's breakfast cereal in the hopper and make him learn how to use the treadle to feed himself.

I just had to share what this generous guy did for me, with no mention of a price anywhere in the package, so I have to figure out what I should send to reimburse him.

It made me feel very special that a stranger would do this both for me and for this forum, for those interested in this kind of hopper feeder.

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