Woodie and Mandarin ducklings


9 Years
Oct 5, 2010
I have noticed several post on how to tell woodduck and mandarin ducklings apart so I thought I would post a few pics

One mandarin in the center with woodies in front and back on the right

In the center of the pic is a woodie and a mandarin face to face the woodie is on the right the mandarin on the left

Three woodies in the front two mandarins in the back

Mandarin egg on the left woodie on the right
Just a north american ruddy or..???

p.s. on lcw1995 thread over growth development, in the last picture the wigeon on the right, is that a color mutation or just a molt or something?
Sorry for all the questions, just curious.
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I want some Ruddy babies!!
i haev five pair and no eggs that i know of so far.. Though I was told they lay very large eggs so I am hoping that 4 that my broody sikie is on is Ruddies and not tree ducks!
For the size of the duck the Ruddies lay a very large egg. You said you had some Barrows eggs they are a little bigger yet than the Barrows and pure white. If your Ruddies are last years hatch they probably won't lay the first year, we have had yearlings lay a couple of eggs before but they generaly don't lay well until the second year.

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