Woods-Style Coop Construction---Help appreciated


Thx. Rocco is our new Maremma puppy (only 20 weeks old and huge!) The photo is misleading...lol...he's anything but docile. Going thru that playful puppy stage.
Lots of work reinforcing good behavior, but with any luck next year he'll be guarding our poultry and goats full-time.

Thx. Rocco is our new Maremma puppy (only 20 weeks old and huge!) The photo is misleading...lol...he's anything but docile. Going thru that playful puppy stage.
Lots of work reinforcing good behavior, but with any luck next year he'll be guarding our poultry and goats full-time.

He's a pretty boy.
I raised Maremmas for about 10 years

I like the smaller size of the maremma. THey are hard to find, and when I have the prices have tripled since my last pup. Our dog was like a bundle of energy!!
WOrked on the roof today. DH had 2 courses done. I felt a little panicky going from ladder to roof. Had my cell phone just in case, lol. Using scrap lumber is a challenge. FOrtunarely DH made a run to the box co and picked up a number of matching scraps, 48 x almost 2 feet.

Not easy as two rafters are too far apart and the placement of the others is a little off. But it all worked out. Only the last 8 inches to cover tomorrow.

THe kids wanted to help. Had them carry over the heavy metal ladder, all of 8 inches wide.LOL ANd let them get on thr roof and hammer in a few nails. ALl the years of working with them paid off: they listened to instructions, and stayed safe. Safety first is our motto!!

NOw that all the walls are up it looks SMALL.
Very interesting design. I wish I had seen this a few weeks ago. We've also started building our coop, but it's too far along to alter the plans now. Maybe for coop #2? lol

What size is yours? Is this going be a chicken-only coop or a mixed flock coop?

I will be following along to see how this works for you. Can't wait to see pics!
Very interesting design. I wish I had seen this a few weeks ago. We've also started building our coop, but it's too far along to alter the plans now. Maybe for coop #2? lol

What size is yours? Is this going be a chicken-only coop or a mixed flock coop?

I will be following along to see how this works for you. Can't wait to see pics!

I have built many coops by this time-- 9, and not really satisfied with any of them. Each has a different problem. Overall, my concern remains sufficient ventilation. As in more is better, but at the same time providing sufficent shelter.

THe woods design was meant to be used as either a coop with a run, or without a run apparently for the layers.

THe birds I"m putting in this location are Konzas if I can get them.

The location of the coop was picked for several reasons. A high point on an otherwise sloping hill that ends at a river about 1/2 mile away; and far enough away for an effective quarentine. The amount of space around them is generous and plan to improve the forages with time so that means sectioned grazing areas if I can contain them with electric fencing.

THe priciples of the design can be added to other coops. I'm loking to rebuild 2 other coops eventually.

THe fist phase is 11 x 8, then finish with another 11 x 8. THe sizes are dictated by Dr Woods information in his "books". THe open front and th open windows at the top allow for a lot of air flow is my guess.

THe only other animal might be the sheep. THe west face which measures 6 x 11 would make a good wall to start a shed for a few sheep. Generally I'm moving toward separating the birds based on needs.

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