Working on a Mystery...


In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2017
Picture this, the year is 2017, 6:30 pm and you have just put your eight 9-week old ladies into the coop for the night. (they have only been in the coop and run for five days now) You leave a small gap, inch or less open at the top of the hatch, with it latched. This morning you are awakened by your hubby saying "I don't want to alarm you..." Ummmm, how is that opening phrase not alarming? ALl eight of your chickens are out in their yard, the hatch is still latched and the main door is bolted. Is it possible for 9 week old chickens to get through a less than one inch gap above a hatch door? I have to assume they were out most of the night as when I did unlatch the hatch door they all went in straight away and stayed.
Possible your door moves more open with a little pressure---they stuck their head in the gap---pushed a little and got out---the followers did the same thing?? Chicks don't move around during the dark---unless its Not dark---some kind of light around your place.
Picture this, the year is 2017, 6:30 pm and you have just put your eight 9-week old ladies into the coop for the night. (they have only been in the coop and run for five days now) You leave a small gap, inch or less open at the top of the hatch, with it latched. This morning you are awakened by your hubby saying "I don't want to alarm you..." Ummmm, how is that opening phrase not alarming? ALl eight of your chickens are out in their yard, the hatch is still latched and the main door is bolted. Is it possible for 9 week old chickens to get through a less than one inch gap above a hatch door? I have to assume they were out most of the night as when I did unlatch the hatch door they all went in straight away and stayed.

Glad to hear all your ladies are safe! Maybe a picture of the coop and chicks could help!
This is the coop. The hatch is on the short side, square with a hook and loop latch. Granted, I knew I did not shut it all the way, but the gap was literally less than an inch at the top, just the space beteween the loop and hook, and it was still latched this morning. I have two fat birds I don't know how they would fit, maybe the petite ones, but my one RIR and my Roo are solid. There is no lighting out that far from the house. However, we did just get a NEST camera, so we can watch them while at work or away. I guess we had better install that today.
This is the coop. The hatch is on the short side, square with a hook and loop latch. Granted, I knew I did not shut it all the way, but the gap was literally less than an inch at the top, just the space beteween the loop and hook, and it was still latched this morning. I have two fat birds I don't know how they would fit, maybe the petite ones, but my one RIR and my Roo are solid. There is no lighting out that far from the house. However, we did just get a NEST camera, so we can watch them while at work or away. I guess we had better install that today.View attachment 1035338
What I would do first Is add a lot of "secure" vents/or windows to that coop so the door can be closed completely. Good Luck
Mystery solved! I can breath easy, my chicks have not developed magical powers. Apparently the 18 year old opened the main doors to show a friend and did not realize I had closed things up for the night. So the girls and the roo camped outside last harm, no fowl.....oooooohhhhhh I apologize for that one.
Darling set up, but you might add a bit of shade, on that open side, it can get dang hot fast!
Shade for sure, but just a little info in case you have not though about it------Both of the roofs on each side of your pen will dump ALOT of water into your chicken run----that and the chickens scratching is going to give you a muddy mess. You might want to think about adding gutters to them and run the water away from your pen. Have Fun!

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