Worms or Egg Bound

Mr B

10 Years
Jul 7, 2009
Omaha, NE
My Buff Orpingtion is sick but I'm not sure how to treat it (or what she's got!). She has lost most of her feathers on her but and has had diarrhea covering her bottom as well for the last two days. Today she is very lethargic and having difficulty breathing. Is she egg bound? Does she have worms? Something else? Any thoughts! Thanks in advance.
Is the butt swollen compared to the rest? It sounds like lice/mites. If you haven't you need to start her on a worming and delousing program following the advice here.
Doesn't appear to be overly swollen (although I'm not used to seeing her bare bottom). I did dust her with a little sevin this morning, but she's just sitting in the shade and resting today (it's also super hot here). Am I on the right track? Anything to make her more comfortable? What's making her breath heavy?

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