worried about BOTULISM: Duck swam in Dirty Water (with dead animals). Help

So the pool hasn't been cleaned for the summer yet, so when the pool cover blew off, rain filled the empty pool about 4 inches. No chlorine in it yet, its just rain water and dead stuff that collected there!

That's my thinking too!! But by the time Monday came around, my vet totally ghosted me lol! But so far the drake, Nipple, seems to be fine so I guess I'll just watching him with a close eye now!

This was really helpful to read, soothed my mind! Now that its a couple days out from the pool incident, I think its safe to say, Nipple will live another day! No botulism yet, I'm just waiting til the end of the week to fully celebrate, just to make sure he doesn't develop any respiratory infections!

Haha guilty, I've had my ducks a little over a year now but I'll still get sent into a panic when the slightest thing goes awry! I'm an overprotective parent lolol
I gave him a charcoal flush followed by some vitamins in his water and probiotics on his food just to be safe! last year when he and the duck were only a month old, they developed a nasty respiratory illness and required 2x daily oral antibiotics which they just LOVED (LOATHED), so I was just so nervous we'd have to repeat that process! I'm glad though its looking like he'll live lol
now that I think about it, I probably got him out within 5 minutes of him getting in so all that worrying for naught lol

Glad he is doing well! You are a great duck parent! : )

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