Worried about keeping temp up in brooder


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 19, 2009
Hi There, we hatched one chick yesterday and then got him 4 friends today. They are in our basement, in a brooder, surrounded by visquine and covered with blankets. I have a shop lamp with 100 watt bulb in it. They seem to be doing well, napping, eating, not huddling. I am not sure my thermometer is showing the right temp. What can I do to make sure that they are warm enough?
If they are huddled under the heat, its too cold. If they are spread out getting as far from the heat as possible, its too hot. If they are running around spending some time under the heat, some time away from it, eating, drinking, and generally looking relaxed, then the temp is just about right.
I used the above "observation scale" to guage the temperature in my brooder. Never used a thermometer. I was afraid I'd get TOO obsessive about it.

Mine are just fine, 22 wks old now, and I'm about to start over with a few more chicks tonight. The only thing I'm gonna do different is have a second heat lamp bulb on hand, just in case this original one burns out.
Thank you all~ they are napping, eating, drinking, snuggling so I am thinking i am obsesed and will stop now
Make sure the blankets and visquine are clear of the lights. There was a house fire on the news caused by a pet heat lamp the day after we got our chicks.
I do this as well, but I do also have a thermometer in the brooder too. These chicks seem to prefer 70-75 degrees and they are only 2 1/2 weeks old.
I moved the light to in the brooder, as it seemed so cold, it is facing at a downward angle and the visquine and towels are attached to the outside with clothespins, with towels draped over the top to catch the heat as it rises. It is still about 80 but they seem content
I have rearranged my brooder room 3 times and I always worry about the temp staying correct. I have had to be more creative w/ placement of the heat lamp to keep it close enough. I have found that the temp tonight has fallen to about 82, but the chicks (8 days old) were resting, sleeping, preening, pecking, etc...

In other words they looked and acted fine. This was slightly shocking given all the consistent info on brooder temps. Glad to know how hardy the chicks really are!

I adjusted the lamp and it should be heating up nicely to about 90.
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My thermometer has to be off. It read 110, but the chicks are bedded down in the light all toasty and warm and when I raised the light to cool it down the chicks huddled tightly together. I'm thinking it must not work right.

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