worry or not to worry (pics)

what's kickin' chicken

9 Years
Jan 23, 2011
I have a roo that I noticed his eyes were different today...... seems like little bumps??????He is very healthy other wise.... I did change they diet to a game bird mix and I have been giving them more corn due to the cold weather.... He is my fav so much so the coop is named after him.... (couldn't be the buff,that tries to get me when my back is turned--I could cull him and be done
) no one else in the pen shows any signs of this... problem??? Do you think it has something to do with the feed change??
please help... like I said he is my fav.. thanks for the help


doesn't seem to bother him

It's that "whitish" spot just under the lid,seems to bulge out from under the lid....

he has them on both sides

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Hum... I don't know..

Gamebird mix for short periods of time while molting, etc... too much protein for long term use, from what I hear. Use the Search here on BYC about feeding it.

Someone with much more experience may know about the eye problem.. good pictures.

(Cull any aggressive Rooster.. they can be a serious danger to people, kids.)

Take care.. good luck.
Thank you, the feed was the first thing I thought of .... the hens had stopped laying (since aug.---- had went broody and then just didn't start laying again) and I thought they may have needed a boost (did get my first egg in months -- Monday
but may have started another problem????? ) I think I'll go out a take that feed out of the feeder .....

I'll search too much protein, thanks for the reply....
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I would not worry at this point. If they look worse, I would probably try an antibiotic, like LS-50 or some general abx for infections. It might be like a human sty.

Just an aside, I have a roo who is blind on one side and does his duties just fine. He also flies up on hubbie's arm. He's a Jersey Giant. Not that your roo is going to go blind, I just would not worry at this point.

I don't think roos mind protein, just calcium
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I find it interesting that the growths are in the exactly the same spot on both sides. Diseases rarely are so exact in their placement of growths and swellings. I am thinking the growths may be something normal and unremarkable. That being said they look kind of like they merit watching.

Good luck.
thank you,

I hadn't even thought about that.... they are in the same spot..... do you think there is a chance it is an allergic reaction ???? to maybe the new feed????? can chickens have allergic reations???
Every living creature can have allergic reactions. Do I think these are allergic reactions? No.

But, I am not sure what they are, which is why I said they bear watching. I don't think they are going to turn into anything to worry about, but keeping an eye on these slightly unusual things is a good idea.
thanks for your reply,I know what you mean .... he is the type of roo,that would over come it and do fine too..... I would baby him around if he did end up going blind...he's a good boy, we enjoy him..
Thank you,that does help....... I have been shutting the pop door up tight and the windows because it turned off really cold .... so maybe it's Ammonia Toxicity????.... I'll need to check out the venting and watch my poop pans better..gives me another thing to try and see if that helps .....thanks again....

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