Would everyone please......

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When you post your personal info online and ask for opinions and advice, that is exactly what you are going to get.

When you read advice given by others, you are going to read things you don't agree with.

If you are asking for advice and get offended at what you read, then I would suggest not posting personal info online. Or don't ask for advice. And move on.

If you are given advice because you asked and it is not what you want to hear, then move on until you read what it is you are looking for.

If you are not the one asking and get offended, move on and read something else. Sending nastygrams is really dumb in my opinion. What is the chance that someone on an internet message board will impact your real life enough to make a difference and vise versa. Use the delete button. And move on.

We have a great supportive community and no one here gives bad advice or opinions. They give advice and opinions based on their own experiences and you can take it or leave it. All we ask is that you give your advice in a kind manner that doesn't resort to calling names or flaming. That sort of "advice" will always be removed as it is noticed or reported.
Glad to know you are not in the WPP.

We end up with lots of those folks out here... and we never know who we are dealing with.
Bottom line, I think:

If you don't want it discussed on an internet discussion forum, don't post it on an internet discussion forum.

There seem to be folks who post controversial opinions and then hit the report button in moral outrage when someone disagrees.
12. We strongly discourage religious and political topics and reserve the right to delete them at our discretion. The topics of religion and politics should be confined to the “Random Ramblings” section of the forum.

I just read through all the pages of this thread. I was surprised that no one had quoted this rule.

The moderators do a great job of keeping things running smoothly here. I really like it when I see them move a post, or lock something that has gotten out of hand. It's comforting to know they are doing their job so well.

I'm sure there are many comments on religion and politics that DO get deleted. I like the people I meet here, even if I frequently don't agree with their religion and politics. I have never posted anything with a religious or political content. (This post comes the closest.)

While I agree you can just scroll past the posts that don't work for your personal philosophy, which is what I do, I feel like the suggestion to non-Christians to just stay out of the categories that have religion is like saying, you can come here for chicken info, but please don't try to socialize.

Without adding a category that bans religion on every level, is there room on this forum for people who aren't Christians? Will there be tolerance? Will there be kindness? Can we all get along?
I'm the same, haven't started any religious or political threads but sometimes reply to them. (And often get complained about for it.)

Seems like there are two logical ways to go:

1. Forbid all talk of religion or politics.

2. Allow talk of religion and politics, without censoring differing opinions.

The forum seems stuck somewhere in the middle.
now while i quite new to this particular forum, im old hat forums. I post on others daily and of course now here, cus its addicitve and the ppl are nice. Now as far as this topic goes from experience on other forums, When you put something out there someone will usually disagree, its human nature.

But what we all have to remember is when someone posts something you dont agree with, if you dont like it then dont reply. Its a pretty simple way not to feed the drama monster, If someone posts asking for support, and you dont feel like giving it. FInd another section of the forum to read, there are plenty of them.
Most ppl that post for support have come to see this board as family, a place where they can come for support,advice or just to vent. And thats a healthy thing to have somewhere to turn, if you dont have someone readily availible to help you thru a moment of crisis. Whether it be about chickens, families or loved ones, thats the whole point of having a community is to be there for each other.

So if you come across a post that you dont agree with, and doesnt break the site tos. Then find something else to read, like i said there is plenty of it on here. No one is forced to read about politics or religion if its in a thread and in the proper place, so stick logic and remember if u dont like the topic then dont reply if you dont have something to offer to it . Should you see a post that breaks this portion of the tos, Then just use the report button and go on about your merry way, and the mods will sort it out. Just remember being a mod isnt easy, trust me Ive been there and done that on a much larger forum. Not all things can be resolved quickly, but from someone who has been there and done that trust me it does get noticed and does get done.

Adult topics and jokes
HUMAN Sexual based topics
HUMAN Reproduction and related topics.
Ethnic and racial slurs and jokes.

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Most of the request for prayer usually have that in the listing or whatever you call it.If you don't like prayer don't open it and read it. I have asked for prayer and some who do not believe in prayer have sent me good thoughts, or wishes, I appreciate them, I don't ask that they believe as I do, If they are Christians, or do not believe in God. I think as a family they are trying to help and I will not turn their thoughts away, any more than I would turn my sister or bro away because we don't agree on something. Just tell your children that you would prefer they did not open that thread and explain why, marrie
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