would you carry this?


YES I would carry it. Why not I carry whatever the wife tells me to, if were shoppping and its her purse. Hold this for a minute honey, and there I am wondereing around carrying a chicken purse. Now on my own I would not carry that purse, but a man has to do what a man has to do and this MAN has to do what his wife tells him to.
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IHeartChickens wrote:
To Chel: Oh! That is a great bag. Did you make it?

No, I didnt make it. I bought it somewhere, but cant remember where...
The picture on it is by Warren Kimble, a famous American folk artist, who does a lot of chicken and farm animal designs.
I do get a lot of nice compliments on the bag and many ladies have said that they would like to have one..... and they dont even own chickens!! Imagine that!

My daughter has seen this in another catalog. She says, "I'm getting you that for Christmas!" LOL

I don't find it hideous. I love it! LOL

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