Would you say chickens are smart?

Guess what?......

Einstein Butt
My Easter Egger does that too. We have electric poultry netting, and sometimes she gets in a panic and runs into it over and over and over.
on balance.................... they are stupid. The number of times we've seen them struggle to find a way to get out of the run - when the gate open............. ! And they've only been in the run 18 months!

Just the other day our girl who has hatched 2 chicks was becoming really agitated as the chicks had escaped through the chicken wire fence. I knew the gate was open so I just watched her....... and after about 10 frustrating minutes she figured it out and ran wildly at her babies flapping her wings as if to say don't do that again.... (yes, stupid)
oh, and another thing.......... when it's hot (a rareity in the UK) they will sit in the FULL sun with one wing spread to try and dissipate the heat, panting like dogs tish! As well as standing like drown rats in the rain instead of taking shelter hmmmm.............
Mine only really run into the chicken wire when something blocking the door and they are in panic mode. Ive seen some that I had that fit through the welded wire when they were young and still try to do it when theyve out grown the holes. lol

Here in Ga I guess mine figured out REAL quick where the shade was. They always seek shelter in the rain..
IDK I think roosters are smarter than hens. They just seemed to follow what he did.
Chickens are not particulary smart but they are perceptive. They can't find their way in and out sometimes but just drop a morsel of food and watch them come running.

I think they also get jealous of eachother. Like when you give one attention........five others are standing in line. Just my own observations.
I often think chickens are 5 times everything that humans are.
It makes sense if you think about it..
They are 5 times sillier.
5 times smaller.
5 times more agile.
5 times more greedier.
5 times smarter.
5 times dumber.
But they are also 5 times more loving and 5 times more aggressive and 5 times more timid.
Anyone else notice this?
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