Writing School

Might as well revive this and take it over since Im apparently skilled at Writing.
@Ducklover2 @HuffleClaw
Its absolute garbage but have a go at reading it.
Ask me questions if you desire.
29th Bright, of the 4th Astral Moon, Year 1

I ran through the dark, branches and thorns whipping my face and tearing my skin. Fear dug its way into my already insane mind and the smell of my own burning flesh filled my nose. I wanted to get that damned muzzle off, that muzzle that was causing me so much agony, but what mattered now was running, I had to deal with the searing pain until I somehow got to safety. I looked behind me quickly, watching the Changelings hunt on my trail, fluttering their bug wings and stretching out their multitude of legs to catch up.

I increased my speed, despite my legs screaming and begging me to stop, I didn't. I wasn't going to die here and now. My heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, it hurt so much to breathe that I wanted to rip out my own lungs just to stop the burning and aching. I couldn't take the pain anymore but I kept telling myself to keep running, despite the voice in the back of my head telling me to give up.

Then I heard crunches and thuds, I looked behind me without stopping, and I saw the corpses of the Changelings behind me, mangled and contorted in a pile of bodies doused with green and black blood. I stopped in shock and saw him step up directly on top of the pile, his matted black hair did nothing to cover his malicious, glowing, gold slitted eyes. A wide, glimmering, white smile broke through his cracked lips and a blood-curdling laugh emitted from his mouth. It wasn't a voice of his own and that was what destroyed my every hope.

“Maru! How dare you!” I screamed with all of my effort, tears pouring out of my eyes and falling down onto the scorching muzzle on my face, they sizzled and turned into steam. He cocked his head, “How dare I? What do you mean little one? I can do whatever I wissh, for this is the land where the God’s play their malicious gamess.” He licked his lips, his forked tongue flicking out as he spoke. “Esspecially me,” he finished. “You made him do this!” I pointed to the searing muzzle on my face, the burn marks hissing and cracking as I spoke.

“You made him kill them all!" I choked. Maru cackled once again, a cackle that made me want to scream and writhe on the ground just from the noise. “Oh I didn't make him kill them all, I made him throw the Water Elemental into another dimension to die, then I made the Earth and Nature Elementals kill each other.” He grinned psychotically, his slitted snake eyes drilling into mine. “I made the Air Elemental torture then kill Shadow and Light Elementals.” He flicked his tongue in and out again through his fangs.
I staggered back, the tears falling from my eyes more profusely as Maru started walking off the pile of bodies, their bones cracking underneath his feet as he crept towards me. As he got closer and closer I realized I couldn't move, my body wouldn't let me. No, Maru wouldn't let me. I gritted my teeth and lashed my tail, this… I didn't even know what he was anymore, but I know knew he wasn't human. This thing, I wanted to torture and kill times a hundred what he did to my friends. He deserved to suffer for what he did and he knew he deserved it, but no way was he was going to let his guard down. It didn't take long before Maru was right in front of me, grinning, his fangs gleaming in my face and his gold eyes glaring into mine. I pin my ears flat against my skull, a sudden surge of bravery going through me and I glare back into his eyes.
Maru’s smile faded for a moment and a sharp stabbing pain swelled through my chest, I doubled over and retched blood onto the ground. I stare at the boots of the body that Maru stole and softly growled, blood dripping out the corners of my mouth. “Don't get cocky Ice Elemental,” Maru hissed, looking down at me with a sick joy.

“Such a shame that I attacked so soon. I would have caused so much more damage if I attacked after the Mate Ceremony.” He smiled cruelly. “You and Grant would have had a wonderful life. You would have had many pups and you would have lived in absolute bliss... Too bad I end it now.” I raised my head just enough so I could see what Maru did to me. I saw his hand up to his wrist, embedded in my chest, I hacked blood again as he twisted his hand once I looked at his hand.

Pushing against the force that refused my body the grace of moving, I struggled to bring my hand to my chest and grip Maru’s wrist. Striving to pull his hand out of my chest. I didn’t succeed. My arms flopped beside me and I coughed blood once again. Out of nowhere, Maru started to convulse, his hand ripped out of my chest as he stepped back, convulsing even more. I staggered back and watched in confusion.
Maru's expression changed from pride and wrath to kindness and patience.
He smiled gently and nodded, but then his face hardened, he hastily stuffed his hand in his pocket and pulled out something in his fist. He stepped closer to me, grabbed my hand and placed whatever he pulled out of his pocket in my hand, then stepped back.
He raised his hand and began summoning fire in a circle beside me. I immediately knew what he was doing and held up my bloody hand and summoned ice around his fire.

Our elements swirled in in a circle of energy, dancing around and weaving together and in a few moments, a black sheet of emptiness spotted with stars appeared in the middle of the area. “I’m sending you to the dimension Wolfy was sent to,” Grant said with an extreme amount of effort, sweat beading on his forehead. He ceased his fire, and soon after I ceased my ice, I stared at him once I realized what he meant. I shook my head, tears welling in my eyes, “No…” I whispered. He nodded sadly, stepping up to me, and while staring into my eyes, his own glassy from tears. said,

“I’ll see you on the other side of the stars,” then he shoved me through the portal.
The world slowed down as I fell through, I opened my mouth to scream but I couldn't. All sound was obliterated. I gripped my fist with what Grant gave had given me so tightly that it cut into my hand. As I took my last look at Elemian, I watched my best friend mouth I love you. The next thing I knew I was in a bed with bandages wrapped around my chest and balm oozing into the sear marks on my face. I sat up and held my head gingerly while looking around. Something around my neck jingled as I moved my head and I looked down at my chest to see a glimmering, polished shard of ruby on a silver chain. I knew that was what Grant gave had given me.
A slight movement caught my eye and I immediately went into defensive mode and stared at what made the movement, ready to attack. A dark head of hair lifted itself up and drowsily looked at me, dull, dark blue eyes stared into my terrified light blue ones. “Oh, you’re awake..” He yawned, then his eyes lighted up and he tilted his head at me. “Can you understand me?” I nodded. He sighed in relief and then looked at me again. “What's your name? How did you get here?” Not fully understanding how I got here myself, I just answered the first question. “...Misty” I croaked He nodded. “Im-.”
I love it!
Okay, I probs shouldn’t do this as I am hopeless at writing compared to you lot.
I write too. It is my favourite thing to do apart from ride horses. I am the best writer in my year group at least that’s what everyone says to me. I read like there is no tomorrow. I’d love to join this group, I read a few of the stories on here and OMG my jaw just dropped, can I join plz. If not I understand but if so thanks.
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Okay, I probs shouldn’t do this as I am hopeless at writing compared to you lot.
I write too. It is my favourite thing to do apart from ride horses. I am the best writer in my year group at least that’s what everyone says to me. I read like there is no tomorrow. I’d love to join this group, I read a few of the stories on here and OMG my jaw just dropped, can I join plz. If not I understand but if so thanks.
You can join! Anyone can join if they have the passion and an intention towards hard work ^-^

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