Writing School

I watched the sun start to set my eyes filled with sorrow, I could only imagine what terrible things the werewolves would do tonight. I’m Ivey. I grew up as any normal child does, loved and cared for and wanted. Funny word that. I was bitten and turned when I turned 16. Oh, I forgot to mention, I’m a vampire. I hunt and kill just as anything normal would if they are indeed normal. But me I view myself as normal, probably not what everyone else sees me as. I try and keep my fangs as hidden as I can. I don’t belong to a cult (what we call our groups) I’m living with my friend Keegan. She is a witch. No I’m not saying that to be mean, I mean she is a ligit witch. So she has a greenish tinge to her skin. I on the other hand am always as pale as you can get. There is not a drop of blood in me. I fumble with my necklace, in the pendant the words are engraved, Sky above me, earth below me and fire within me. These words have always been special since I was turned. I refuse to bite people or at least I try. The local tavern called The naughty pixie is where all us ‘normal’ people hang out. I hear a awful lot of screaming then I remember Keegan was outside, “oh no” I bolt downstairs and pass a few pixies. The only telltale sign is their sharp poutiest ears and how short they are. I throw open the door and march out. “What do you want?” I bark, a pack of three gangly werewolf men stood there smirking down at me. I am tall, as tall as a vampire can sort of get... “what are You going to do bloodsucker” one of them taunts. “Keep pushing me and you’ll find out” I snarl. One has a knife pressed to Keegan’s throat, “Hey” I half shout “let my friend go”. They laugh and one pushes me. I snap my fangs hard into their hand, the sour taste of werewolf blood fills my mouth. The other two laugh as their friend starts to yelp. Suddenly one steps forward and I start to threaten when he grabs a random pixie off the street. I’m so mad I launch myself ripping the skin off their arms, with a yell the other one forgets about Keegan and launches himself at me. I dodge and tackle him, “don’t. Touch. My. Friends” I pant. “Wow” Keegan whispers “you were really good. I lead the little pixie inside to try and mend her wounds, but I’m a vampire I can’t do much. Keegan steps forward her wand in hand, “here” she whispers mending her wounds, then she turns to me. “I’m fine” I mutter, she nods and turns back to the Pixie to heal the last of her wounds. I stared out the dusty window. I had done it, proven myself to be much more than just a vampire, to be a good friend.
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