Writing School

Ok I need to revive this. I lost a crapton of my stories due to google docs being absolutely retarded and I really want to write more.
Im going to do a quote every Wednesday and have yall turn in your stories on Tuesday.
Lets see who I need to tag.
@Fanci Feathers Marans
@Rose Quartz
hopefully anyone else gets the notif when I post idk who else wants in
I will be taking a quote from a daily music upload yt channel for today and pasting it here. Probably not the best thing but Its all I got ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The game is never over. It just means start over with more experience.

god im tired

It's not very long, but I've done my homework. ;)

Elisha couldn't decide if the contents of the returned email were meant to be reassuring, or a snarky way of saying she was giving up too easily.

'The game is never over.' What if she wanted to quit? 'It just means, start over with more experience.' She leaned back in her chair pensively glaring at the computer screen.

"You're not helping." She grumbled aloud, though there was no one there to hear her. "I just needed someone to talk to. Not your opinion." She drew in her breath and let it out in a long sigh. "I am so done with this." gritting her teeth together Elisha leaned forward and placed her fingers on the keyboard clicking out a response.

'I'm done trying.'

She stopped, re-reading what she had typed. Tears bit at the edges of her vision, Mom, you're supposed to be on my side. She yelled inside her head. She sucked in air around her teeth, holding back her anger and sadness.

Elisha jammed her finger into the backspace button, erasing what she had written.

'You wouldn't say that if you were in my position.' She didn't like this answer either, and deleted it again, clicking back for each letter. She looked over at the cold cup of coffee sitting on the desk next to her. She convinced herself that if only the coffee were hot she'd be in a better mood, picked it up and took it to the microwave. The kitchen was a disaster. She could smell something nasty hiding in the pile of dirty dishes.

Her impulsive mind suggested she burn the place down, then the smell would be gone, and she could start over. Just like in a video game. She curled her nose, dismissing the errant thought and trying her best to pretend the smell wasn't there.

The microwave beeped with each button press. Almost like it was screaming at her. Like it wanted her to end it's suffering. She pressed the start button, and patted the top of the microwave as it started to hum.

"There, there." She said to it mockingly comforting the inanimate box. "The game's never over. It just means start over with more experience. She furrowed her brow, watching the mug spin slowly in the yellow light. "Every time. Every day, the same exact thing. And you have to keep going. Because that's your only option. Even if you hate every second. You have to just ignore it all and keep going. Nothing's going to change. Not ever. It's just too bad." The light flicked off and the three shrill beeps echoed in the small apartment. She sighed again hanging her head. "I couldn't agree more." She muttered, opening the door and taking the hot cup.

She threw herself back into the computer chair, pulling the hot cup against her chest. The heat was nice but it made her more aware of the fact that her feet were cold. She leaned forward placing the mug back down where it had been. Trying to come up with something more optimistic to say.

'Yes. It's that easy. I'll just hit the reset button on my life and pretend none of this has happened." Elisha groaned, that just sounded sarcastic not optimistic. She erased it again shaking her head.

'Thanks mom. I'll try.' She clicked send before she could change it again. What would she do though? What could she do to try. It's not like she controlled other people. How would anyone know, or care that she was resetting her life. What happened, happened. She couldn't take it back.

"If life really worked like a video game it would be so much easier."
It's not very long, but I've done my homework. ;)

Elisha couldn't decide if the contents of the returned email were meant to be reassuring, or a snarky way of saying she was giving up too easily.

'The game is never over.' What if she wanted to quit? 'It just means, start over with more experience.' She leaned back in her chair pensively glaring at the computer screen.

"You're not helping." She grumbled aloud, though there was no one there to hear her. "I just needed someone to talk to. Not your opinion." She drew in her breath and let it out in a long sigh. "I am so done with this." gritting her teeth together Elisha leaned forward and placed her fingers on the keyboard clicking out a response.

'I'm done trying.'

She stopped, re-reading what she had typed. Tears bit at the edges of her vision, Mom, you're supposed to be on my side. She yelled inside her head. She sucked in air around her teeth, holding back her anger and sadness.

Elisha jammed her finger into the backspace button, erasing what she had written.

'You wouldn't say that if you were in my position.' She didn't like this answer either, and deleted it again, clicking back for each letter. She looked over at the cold cup of coffee sitting on the desk next to her. She convinced herself that if only the coffee were hot she'd be in a better mood, picked it up and took it to the microwave. The kitchen was a disaster. She could smell something nasty hiding in the pile of dirty dishes.

Her impulsive mind suggested she burn the place down, then the smell would be gone, and she could start over. Just like in a video game. She curled her nose, dismissing the errant thought and trying her best to pretend the smell wasn't there.

The microwave beeped with each button press. Almost like it was screaming at her. Like it wanted her to end it's suffering. She pressed the start button, and patted the top of the microwave as it started to hum.

"There, there." She said to it mockingly comforting the inanimate box. "The game's never over. It just means start over with more experience. She furrowed her brow, watching the mug spin slowly in the yellow light. "Every time. Every day, the same exact thing. And you have to keep going. Because that's your only option. Even if you hate every second. You have to just ignore it all and keep going. Nothing's going to change. Not ever. It's just too bad." The light flicked off and the three shrill beeps echoed in the small apartment. She sighed again hanging her head. "I couldn't agree more." She muttered, opening the door and taking the hot cup.

She threw herself back into the computer chair, pulling the hot cup against her chest. The heat was nice but it made her more aware of the fact that her feet were cold. She leaned forward placing the mug back down where it had been. Trying to come up with something more optimistic to say.

'Yes. It's that easy. I'll just hit the reset button on my life and pretend none of this has happened." Elisha groaned, that just sounded sarcastic not optimistic. She erased it again shaking her head.

'Thanks mom. I'll try.' She clicked send before she could change it again. What would she do though? What could she do to try. It's not like she controlled other people. How would anyone know, or care that she was resetting her life. What happened, happened. She couldn't take it back.

"If life really worked like a video game it would be so much easier."
oh dang

o h d a n g K a t e

where have you been this last week x-x
It's not very long, but I've done my homework. ;)

Elisha couldn't decide if the contents of the returned email were meant to be reassuring, or a snarky way of saying she was giving up too easily.

'The game is never over.' What if she wanted to quit? 'It just means, start over with more experience.' She leaned back in her chair pensively glaring at the computer screen.

"You're not helping." She grumbled aloud, though there was no one there to hear her. "I just needed someone to talk to. Not your opinion." She drew in her breath and let it out in a long sigh. "I am so done with this." gritting her teeth together Elisha leaned forward and placed her fingers on the keyboard clicking out a response.

'I'm done trying.'

She stopped, re-reading what she had typed. Tears bit at the edges of her vision, Mom, you're supposed to be on my side. She yelled inside her head. She sucked in air around her teeth, holding back her anger and sadness.

Elisha jammed her finger into the backspace button, erasing what she had written.

'You wouldn't say that if you were in my position.' She didn't like this answer either, and deleted it again, clicking back for each letter. She looked over at the cold cup of coffee sitting on the desk next to her. She convinced herself that if only the coffee were hot she'd be in a better mood, picked it up and took it to the microwave. The kitchen was a disaster. She could smell something nasty hiding in the pile of dirty dishes.

Her impulsive mind suggested she burn the place down, then the smell would be gone, and she could start over. Just like in a video game. She curled her nose, dismissing the errant thought and trying her best to pretend the smell wasn't there.

The microwave beeped with each button press. Almost like it was screaming at her. Like it wanted her to end it's suffering. She pressed the start button, and patted the top of the microwave as it started to hum.

"There, there." She said to it mockingly comforting the inanimate box. "The game's never over. It just means start over with more experience. She furrowed her brow, watching the mug spin slowly in the yellow light. "Every time. Every day, the same exact thing. And you have to keep going. Because that's your only option. Even if you hate every second. You have to just ignore it all and keep going. Nothing's going to change. Not ever. It's just too bad." The light flicked off and the three shrill beeps echoed in the small apartment. She sighed again hanging her head. "I couldn't agree more." She muttered, opening the door and taking the hot cup.

She threw herself back into the computer chair, pulling the hot cup against her chest. The heat was nice but it made her more aware of the fact that her feet were cold. She leaned forward placing the mug back down where it had been. Trying to come up with something more optimistic to say.

'Yes. It's that easy. I'll just hit the reset button on my life and pretend none of this has happened." Elisha groaned, that just sounded sarcastic not optimistic. She erased it again shaking her head.

'Thanks mom. I'll try.' She clicked send before she could change it again. What would she do though? What could she do to try. It's not like she controlled other people. How would anyone know, or care that she was resetting her life. What happened, happened. She couldn't take it back.

"If life really worked like a video game it would be so much easier."
This is awesome, I love it!

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