Wry Neck

Well at least if Leo is being a jerk it sounds like he's feeling better!
I thought my little wry neck guy was a girl for 3 weeks and had named him Tinkerbell
because he was so tiny! His name now is Happy Gilmore.
Happy's mom had 7 eggs and hatched 5 successfully. She left the last 2 eggs 2 days after the rest hatched. I quickly candled them and saw movement so I moved them to my incubator. It took Happy and his brother 2 more days to finally get all the way out of their shells. Happy's brother had a curled foot and Happy hatched out screaming. He couldn't stand up at all because his head was flipped over on his back. The next day I started him on polyvisol, selenium and vitamin E. I had to feed him with a syring-he couldn't eat or drink. His brother went out to his mom no problem but Happy couldn't in his condition. I tried having him visit his mom in hopes he would get better fast and could rejoin her but she was terrified of him and wanted nothing to do with him lol. After 2 weeks Happy showed really no improvement. His head was now curling right around and down by his feet. Still couldn't stand. I then read about vitamin B and added that to his food.

Here's Happy his first day standing for more than a few seconds. You can see his head still tilted back.


About 3 1/2 weeks old. He was way smaller than his hatch mates. He could eat a bit now but couldn't drink. Ever time he tilted his head back it would flop to the side and he appeared to almost drown. I had to syring water and he would peck at cucumber for a drink. He would go all day looking pretty normal until about 3pm then his head flipped down between his feet.


4 1/2 weeks...still tiny. Still can't drink on his own. I started "physio" made him practice drinking while I held him and tried to support his head at the right angle. He still was having like convulsions if another chicken came near him or something startled him. He would twist his neck and fall over...flap wings like crazy.


About 5 1/2 weeks...all of his hatch mates went to their new home this day. They were fully feathered and looked a month older than him. He still held his head odd and water still poured out of his beak when he drank. He had several relapses that lasted a few days. He would walk around with his comb touching the floor.


Nice straight neck now! Starting weaning off vitamins and he relapsed again. Happy had now lived in the house his entire life. He was scared of chickens. He slept cuddled up to my chocolate lab on his dog bed. He is still Happy's best friend. He follows him around the yard.


After trying to wean Happy off his vitamins several times and trying to teach him to be a chicken who lives outside I decided to give him meds every 3rd day...that seemed to work. I managed to eventually go to once a week. He hasn't had a full relapse in over 6 months but he has had many times that his head tilts sideways or back and he gets very uncoordinated. He's experiencing his first adult molt right now and it has brought his symptoms back again. He gets scrambled egg everyday and is spending more time in the house...it keeps him calmer.


Here's what he looks like now. He is spoiled rotten! I don't think he will ever be completely normal. But he eats, drinks, free ranges, crows, grass baths and chases girls around so that's good enough for me.

Like I said before I don't have one picture of Happy with his head contorted. I just never wanted to remember that. He's my special needs guy and we are both ok with that. I don't know what caused Happy's problem but he will never father chicks because I'd be afraid of him passing it on.
Great post glad your little guy made a recovery and it is confirmed Leo is rooster btw thanks for the info
Well, we went out of town Thursday - Sunday & our neighbors (who have chickens) watched over our birds, including Genny, the wryneck pullet. I was nervous about them watching her because they didn't agree with the supplement methods. Supposedly, they had a couple chickens/turkeys that had wryneck issues but once they switched them from medicated started/grower feed, they snapped right out of it within a few days.

On Saturday, they text me to ask if they could let Genny out of the pet taxi, as she was showing signs of stress for the first time since the issue started. Up until that point, she was comfortable being in the taxi, as she was separated but still part of the group. We'd move her taxi from the coop to the run, depending on the time of day. They said that she seemed to be acting normal so they wanted to let her out but told me they'd watch her & put her back if needed. I didn't hear anything else from them until Sunday night when I asked how she was. They said she was doing great!

When we got home at 1am on Sunday/Monday, I went back to the coop because I figured if she was still having problems, she definitely wouldn't be roosting on the bar with the rest. Sure enough, she was hanging out on the top bar with the others.

I'm not sure when they stopped giving her the supplements but she's definitely been without them for 3 days and she still seems to be doing fine. She's eating/drinking out of the group containers & is roosting like she did before it came about. She still twists her head around to drink from the watering nipples but honestly, I can't remember if she did that before the 'bout of wryneck or not. But she's definitely not curling her neck up/head under when I pick her up anymore. I'm still kinda skeptical that it was that easily treated, as I've read so many horror stories. I'm fearful that I'll go out tomorrow & she'll be back to square one. But at least I know that when I did before worked so if need be, I'll go back to that routine.

Here she was tonight, roosting between my Buff Brahma pullet & Black Copper Maran roo on the far left.
Well, we went out of town Thursday - Sunday & our neighbors (who have chickens) watched over our birds, including Genny, the wryneck pullet. I was nervous about them watching her because they didn't agree with the supplement methods. Supposedly, they had a couple chickens/turkeys that had wryneck issues but once they switched them from medicated started/grower feed, they snapped right out of it within a few days.

On Saturday, they text me to ask if they could let Genny out of the pet taxi, as she was showing signs of stress for the first time since the issue started. Up until that point, she was comfortable being in the taxi, as she was separated but still part of the group. We'd move her taxi from the coop to the run, depending on the time of day. They said that she seemed to be acting normal so they wanted to let her out but told me they'd watch her & put her back if needed. I didn't hear anything else from them until Sunday night when I asked how she was. They said she was doing great!

When we got home at 1am on Sunday/Monday, I went back to the coop because I figured if she was still having problems, she definitely wouldn't be roosting on the bar with the rest. Sure enough, she was hanging out on the top bar with the others.

I'm not sure when they stopped giving her the supplements but she's definitely been without them for 3 days and she still seems to be doing fine. She's eating/drinking out of the group containers & is roosting like she did before it came about. She still twists her head around to drink from the watering nipples but honestly, I can't remember if she did that before the 'bout of wryneck or not. But she's definitely not curling her neck up/head under when I pick her up anymore. I'm still kinda skeptical that it was that easily treated, as I've read so many horror stories. I'm fearful that I'll go out tomorrow & she'll be back to square one. But at least I know that when I did before worked so if need be, I'll go back to that routine.

Here she was tonight, roosting between my Buff Brahma pullet & Black Copper Maran roo on the far left.

Yay! Hope she continues to do well
Yay! Hope she continues to do well

I hope so too! No sign of backsliding as of today. I stuck the vitamins in the group waterer anyway for good measure, as it won't hurt anyone. But she must be feeling pretty good as she'd start sleeping on the highest point possible. I thought it was just while she was waiting for everyone to get situated but I just went back to check & she's still parked up there. Our roo, Little Jerry, is roosting next to her...but on the actual bar, not where the bar & framing meet.

Silly chickens.
Well, Genny isn't doing too hot. At first, I thought maybe she was backsliding with the wry-neck issue but she hasn't gone all exorcist like yet. I first started noticing her acting a little funny on Saturday. On Monday, she had trouble getting on the roosting bars so she slept on the floor of the coop. Yesterday, I put her back into her little pet carrier so that she could be separated but still with the group. Note: The roo was trying to mount her & was just stepping on her while she'd try to get food so it was in her best interest.

She's eating, drinking & pooping. I'm doing the same treatment as before, even added some ACV this time but it doesn't seem to be helping with whatever's wrong with her.

When I move the water away from her, she gets up & walks to it but then will sit back down to drink from the bowl.
Sadly Leo passed away yesterday.He was so terrible we had to put him down.Sorry i don't have any advice for you

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