I just noticed this last night. This morning I gave Poultry Cell water. Last week my older chick(s) marans were attacking it on the beak as you can tell in photo. Could this pecking and bleeding cause this. He was from shipped eggs that I have the worst case with, I was prepared that less than half would hatch but I only have one that hatched that is perfect. One hatched with both feet curled and would not eat or drink I syringe feed for 4 days it died on the 5th day. These are Salmon Faverolle's someone told me on here that this breed needs more vitamin nutrients than most other breeds. I get all kinds of excuses from the seller (if all but one hatchling has problems than I believe it's the parents feed more than my incubating skills) sorry I'm ranting but this little guy had a mild case of spraddle leg that righted itself. He's been eating drinking getting along with others, I only have 2 other chicks in with him and they are fine. Thanks for listening.....
in the photos the one on top was taken this morning the other a few days ago when I let them on the grass for a short time i really haven't noticed anything in his neck til last night but he has always been smaller than his sibling that hatched out a day before.
in the photos the one on top was taken this morning the other a few days ago when I let them on the grass for a short time i really haven't noticed anything in his neck til last night but he has always been smaller than his sibling that hatched out a day before.