Wyoming Unite!!!!

It does help indeed. We will probably put the coop on short posts and store hay bales underneath in the winter for insulation. I want to plant my "orchard" around the coop for shade in coming years and to create the needed wind break. How do you keep their water from freezing?
If you read from other members they'll tell you the chickens will dig up the roots. Just consider that. They may kill your trees. Put aspens around the chicken area. They grow fast and are cheap so you won't be too depressed if the chickens kill them.
I'm planting more fruit trees in the run this year. This time I will pile rocks around the base to keep the little monsters out of the roots. I have used rock piles to stop digging under fences and buildings. It works well if you use melon sized or bigger. Plus its free and plentiful.
We're going to be starting our flock this spring, so excited to get our coop up and our babies. We live in Riverton. Kind of nice to see people from Wyoming on here. We've drafted out coop design, and are picking out breeds. If anyone has any suggestions for good cold weather birds, or even breeds you've noticed don't fare as well please let us know.
We're going to be starting our flock this spring, so excited to get our coop up and our babies. We live in Riverton. Kind of nice to see people from Wyoming on here. We've drafted out coop design, and are picking out breeds. If anyone has any suggestions for good cold weather birds, or even breeds you've noticed don't fare as well please let us know.
I started with Wyandottes this fall. They have a rose comb so they are less prone to frost bite. They are good dual purpose birds. Our girls are hatchery stock so they are not show quality, however they are quite friendly and are always willing to come up to us to see what is going on. If early laying is important to you get hatchery chicks in what ever breed you choose. Hatcheries pick their birds based on how soon they lay and how much they lay, the sooner the better. They shoot for quantity not quality. If your looking for show quality birds, find a breeder, I'm sure there are breeders for every imaginable breed on BYC. These birds are to "standard" they may not lay early, sometimes as late as 6 months or older, or as often as hatchery stock but their good looks can make up for it.

I just picked up a buff chancler in assorted group of second hand hens. I had to look it up. They were special bred for the Canadian homesteaders. Dual propose, early layers, with extreme cold tolerance and are supposed to lay through the winter. You might look at them.
Well we ordered our chicks, and they'll be here in April. We'll have Silver laced Cochins, Black Sex Links, Ameracaunas, Golden laced Wyandottes, and Buff Orpingtons. A close friend of ours that has raised chickens in the past really recommended Cochins. We really liked the idea of the Ameracaunas so we can add a little flare with our eggs. So excited, I've been pricing feeds, and different grains. Still trying to decide if I want to mix my own or by pre-made layer feed.
Well we ordered our chicks, and they'll be here in April. We'll have Silver laced Cochins, Black Sex Links, Ameracaunas, Golden laced Wyandottes, and Buff Orpingtons. A close friend of ours that has raised chickens in the past really recommended Cochins. We really liked the idea of the Ameracaunas so we can add a little flare with our eggs. So excited, I've been pricing feeds, and different grains. Still trying to decide if I want to mix my own or by pre-made layer feed.

Star line feeds makes an organic feed if you want to go that way. I looked into it but it's a little to pricey for our budget. If you decide to get that brand just ask the Star line dealer to order it for you.
I've chosen the Purina Layena with omegas added. I love the Purina horse feeds so I thought I would give their poultry feed a try. So far I have been satisfied with their chick starter. My only complaints ate that my feed store was out of the non-medicated so I ended up getting Nutrina (which worked out just fine) and they don't have a non medicated meat bird grower, which I'll use Nutrina for.

Have fun with your babies!
Buffalo, Wyoming is now on the Forum! I just joined in to the conversations last month. And just found this thread this morning. Glad to see other 'locals' on the message boards.
I have 42 chickens and 14 guineas. Plus 17 little ones at the moment. My 4th hatch of the year will be happening next week. Incubating and raising started chickens is my hobby
and passion.
Buffalo, Wyoming is now on the Forum! I just joined in to the conversations last month. And just found this thread this morning. Glad to see other 'locals' on the message boards.
I have 42 chickens and 14 guineas. Plus 17 little ones at the moment. My 4th hatch of the year will be happening next week. Incubating and raising started chickens is my hobby
and passion.

Hi there Red Horse Ranch,


Welcome to the forum. Everything is still white down here but there are bits of sunshine today and it is a little warmer.

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