Wyoming Unite!!!!

I just recently relocated to Evanston WY from TN. I haven't purchased my flock yet and would love some suggestions on breeds that do well in the cold weather

And welcome to Wyoming. Others will have suggestions but for the best suggestions, what type of chickens do you want? Are you after egg layers, meat chickens, dual purpose chickens, standard size or bantam size? Or do you just want chickens for pets?

I believe rose comb chickens do better in cold weather than other types. Last year I had light brahmas which did very well for me and consistently laid all winter. I also had white-laced red cornish which did well also until they decided to go broody. Two of my three hens were so broody that whenever I would finally get them broken of being broody, they would lay at the most two eggs and then go broody again. I did get one fantastic hen out of the deal. She is a cornish/brahma cross and is sized in between the two varieties. She has currently laid an egg every day for 23 straight days and is showing no signs of letting up. She is also laying her egg earlier every day.

I currently have her eggs in the incubator. If they hatch, they will be cornish/brahma/swedish flower hen crosses. They should be good layers when they mature.

Good luck!
Welcome, Babylove, from the far, frozen north! I'm in Cowley, nearest big town is Cody. I have Buff Orpingtons, Golden Laced Wyandottes, Easter Eggers, Speckled Sussex and Black Copper Marans. I'm pretty new to this chicken stuff too....there aren't as many in my flock as it sounds from the list of breeds I have - just a few of each. I started with 14 - I now have 22, and I still don't know how I lost control. I chose the Easter Eggers for the grandkids because they love the idea of green or blue eggs, and I liked that they, like the others I got, are considered pretty cold hardy. Elk is right - what you end up choosing will depend not only on the cold hardiness but also on what you want them for. Good luck with whatever you choose..
thanks everyone for the suggestions! I raised buff Orpingtons back home but was unsure how they would fair up here. I'm wanting a dual purpose standard bird and have been considering the light brahmas. do y'all have to heat your coops in the winter?
thanks everyone for the suggestions! I raised buff Orpingtons back home but was unsure how they would fair up here. I'm wanting a dual purpose standard bird and have been considering the light brahmas. do y'all have to heat your coops in the winter?

I just provided a heart lamp with a shatter proof bulb. Hopefully I'll get to insulate the coop this summer.

To all our Sheridan and surrounding area folks, please feel free to join our local gardening group on facebook. I started it in hopes to bring together more like-minded people in our area. I have brought up chickens to the group before and had lots of good, helpful responses there (as well as here). We are planning a spring plant swap in the near future so keep an eye out for that too.

anyways, lots of love to my wyo folk, it sure is a great place to call home


We now have 6 chicks! It is truly an addiction :) The coop is coming along more each week (weather permitting) and we are looking forward to some fresh eggs this summer.

half-a-coop in all its glory
Just got back from picking up some Jubilee Orpingtons, beyond excited to have them. Drove four hours to Idaho to get them and a few polish, golden cuckoo marans and some olive eggers to add to my FBCM flock
Probably not what you are looking for, but I will have Swedish Flower Hen eggs during that time.  They are laying well now and I would expect them to be doing even better in April.  I am off of Cole Creek road just a little bit northeast of Casper.

Do you have SFH eggs that you are willing to sell? I live outside of Jackson

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