Wyoming Unite!!!!

You all just have 1 more WY resident to add to your census counts.

My DH just finished the long drive from FL to WY and will be starting his new job Monday. I hope to be done with the house here and joining him mid-May. Can't wait!

P.S. Is it a no-no to say "you all" in WY?
Nope, you can say you all. Just please avoid the following: Pardner, buckaroo, or any other noun that sounds like it came from a Grade C western movie. We thank ya! Glad he made it safely!
Nope, you can say you all. Just please avoid the following: Pardner, buckaroo, or any other noun that sounds like it came from a Grade C western movie. We thank ya! Glad he made it safely!


Thanks Blooie!

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