Wyoming Unite!!!!

Antelope pictures! We have quite a few of them that stay on our golf course. Lots of young ones born earlier this spring (you can see one of them in the 2nd picture).

I think they are Cortlands and Harleson (or something like that). We were given the trees many years ago. Some friends of ours had planted them in their backyard some six years prior, but gave up on them because not only did they never really produce apples, but they never even seemed to grow either. I mean, they were big enough - not tiny saplings - but they just stayed the size they were when first planted. So Jim decided to chop them down, but then he asked Ken if he thought he would have better luck with them in our yard. So one Saturday about Ken and 3 or 4 guys dug them out, loaded them on a flatbed, and brought them over. Ken was cleaning off the root ball in preparation for planting them here when he noticed something odd. So he and the other guys started cleaning and hosing off the dirt, and discovered that the root balls were still in the burlap wrap that they originally came in. Well, that explained a lot! So, nicely cleaned up and replanted, they just took off! The first year we didn't get much - they were too busy pushing out roots. But they've produced well and faithfully for over 10 years now, and we are very happy with them. Never did tell Jim and Rita about the burlap - more fun to let them think Ken is a Jolly Green Giant or something! Edited to add: Nobody around here had ever tried to grow pears, either...said this is totally the wrong area for them. Really? Somebody forgot to tell our pear tree that!
WowwowWOW! Now I want a pear tree! Wee grow apples just fine as we take good care to remove the burlap, LOL. So fun!
Time for a couple more animal pictures!

The deer (lots more than this photo shows) have been moving onto the golf course lately. I've enjoyed seeing the youngsters go from little spotted things to teenagers this year.

The young porcupine has practically turned into a course mascot. Everyone that comes across him, gets a photo with the little guy.

That porcupine photo makes me grin!! Oh, yeah, and while Debby was getting those great wildlife shots in her backyard, this is what we were seeing in ours....

Snow is YOUR yard makes me grin Blooie

Is Darth Vadar peeking in your window still?
Darth sorta appears when the snow is coming down heavy and disappears when it starts melting. He does stare right into the kitchen window and is our best snow-guage! The heavier the snow, the more clearly he shows up....I swear one of these Halloweens I'm going to get up the gumption to paint him with glow paint!


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