Wyoming Unite!!!!

Hello fellow Wyomingites. I am from Cody originally, went to school in Powell at Northwest for 2 years, and finished my doctorate in Michigan. I am now located in Natrona County.

Nice to have you here! I'm a "neighbor" in Carbon county. :frow
I do have a quick question for you Wyomingites: Do you insulate your coops? I am just getting ready to build my first one and that is a primary concern.
I do have a quick question for you Wyomingites: Do you insulate your coops? I am just getting ready to build my first one and that is a primary concern.
I have one that is insulated and one that isn't insulated. Ventilation is more important than insulation.

My guinea coop has a huge skylight that the guineas love to roost under.
I do have a quick question for you Wyomingites: Do you insulate your coops? I am just getting ready to build my first one and that is a primary concern.

I'm not planning on insulating but may put up something (tarp maybe?) to keep the worst of the wind off the back of the coop and run.
Looks like it's going to be a hot one here...up to 90*. Hope you all stay cool & comfy!

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