Wyoming Unite!!!!

The beauty of living on a sand dune. I could easily dig the hole for the greenhouse in one day with my backhoe. Building the retaining walls would be another situation. Of course before building the retaining walls, I would definitely ditch in a water line for a frost free hydrant.

It would go quicker digging the ditches for the ventilation system if I had a helper to lay the pipe as the ditch progressed in order to avoid having to re-dig collapsed ditches.
That was always the thing in FL (which is, as you have likely heard, literally a giant sand bar (the peninsula, anyway)). My dad was a builder. We would set up sprinklers way in advance of any digging in dry weather (like a week if possible) and the sides would collapse anyway--just not as much.
The babies are a week old.
Sweetgrass poults



All this greenhouse talk is giving me a case of the "I wants". :D We had 2 big ones in north FL, that was fun. Our property was on a sand hill and talk about easy digging! You could easily go straight down 6' with just a shovel.

Nice looking poults Bob!
I saw something like that at a friend's house, but it was an owl. All sorts of birds, many of whom were only on squabbling terms--lots of them--descended on that "poor little owl" (it was a little one) and ran it out of the neighborhood. Then went back to their squabbling. Apparently this is a common occurrence, but it was a first for me. :lau LOVE your little photographic essay. So cool!
So the Jays won? Funny series of photos!
The Raven moved on. On another note the robin's nest has been abandoned. I suspect the male Blue Jay as he was spending time in that tree but I know for a fact that the Grackles will destroy a robin's nest. The robin had been off of the nest for 3 days when I checked this morning, all 3 eggs are gone.

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