Wyoming Unite!!!!

Yesterday the Blue Slate hen lied to me and pretended that she didn't have babies. I could see at least 5 empty egg shells beside her. There has been a raccoon hanging around so to avoid unnecessary losses, I managed to swipe 3 from her. Two were Sweetgrass and the third was a Tri-Color Mottled Black. I added them to the brooder with the other ten poults that i have swiped.

This morning when I checked on her the Wild hen was beside her. I don't know if she was just checking out the poults or if she was going to try to steal some. I grabbed the camera in case I could get some cute poult pics but they were all back under her when I got back.

She got up off of the nest for me and I was able to swipe 8 Sweetgrass poults, one Tri-Color Mottled Black poult and two Tri-Color Mottled Slate poults. I did leave her with one Sweetgrass poult that was still wet from hatching. So far she has hatched 15 out of this clutch.



Cute poults Bob! Sounds like there's a whole lot of hatching going on :D
Good luck with the incubation!
Thank you.

The Blue Slate hen came off of her nest today. There were 4 eggs left behind. One was rotten, one was a late quitter, one was internally pipped and one was externally pipped. The last two are in the hatcher.

She had the Sweetgrass poult that i had let her keep and Two Tri-Color Mottled Slate poults. I ducked under her as she jumped at me as I grabbed poults. Based on the scratch on my arm, she must have gotten me after all.

Her hatch is currently at 17 and may increase to 19 if the two in the hatcher make it. There are currently 11 Sweetgrass, 2 Tri-Color Mottled Blacks and 4 Tri-Color Mottled Slates in her hatch.

I used the poults to lure her back into the coop. I added her little ones to the brooder and took out the 5 that are almost 2 weeks old and gave them to her. The last I saw, she plans on adopting them even though they don't look the right size to her. She had them in a corner behind her.

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