Wyoming Unite!!!!

-19 here this morning but the sun is shining and I'm optimistic that warmer days are ahead of us.:bow

My guineas and chickens have been confined for a week now. I think poultry gets a little stir crazy sometimes just like we do. I gave them a treat yesterday, a whole flake of hay. As soon as I walked in with it all of them jumped down on the floor to start scattering it. I've read that guineas need grass and greenery to help their digestive systems work. Probably chickens too. But they sure enjoyed the chance to play in the hay. :wee
I know that my guineas enjoyed a flake of alfalfa.

The sun is trying to shine here. The temp is holding steady at -16°F.

The eggs are in the incubator. Forty white eggs and 55 blue eggs. All pullets hatched should lay blue eggs.

I can't guarantee that ones hatched from the white eggs will lay blue eggs because I don't know whether the cockerel has one or two blue egg genes. If all of his offspring lay blue eggs, he has two blue egg genes. If only half of them lay blue eggs, he has one blue egg gene and one not blue egg gene.
Okay I know I am probably asking for trouble but I live in Cheyenne and need some information on keeping quail. Allowed or not allowed? Where can I find the rules? I know the chicken rules I read when they were first allowed made it iffy for me and left far too many questions in my head so I never followed through... the back neighbor is a rental and sadly that house is right on the lot line... the other side probably wouldn't mind especially if I offered eggs once in a while the third side of the property is an alley. But I am afraid of what would happen if a renter objected once I got chickens up and running. Quail sound like they could be a better option even if the eggs would be much smaller...
Quail are wonderful animals and don’t deserve to live in a cage. Please don’t do that.

The Cheyenne animal rules are here:
City codes
If you can’t have chickens, I suggest you buy eggs from someone local. There are a few of us that advertise on Craigslist at very reasonable prices. It’s not as fun as having your own chickens but you can still get colorful eggs. 🙂
Okay I know I am probably asking for trouble but I live in Cheyenne and need some information on keeping quail. Allowed or not allowed? Where can I find the rules? I know the chicken rules I read when they were first allowed made it iffy for me and left far too many questions in my head so I never followed through... the back neighbor is a rental and sadly that house is right on the lot line... the other side probably wouldn't mind especially if I offered eggs once in a while the third side of the property is an alley. But I am afraid of what would happen if a renter objected once I got chickens up and running. Quail sound like they could be a better option even if the eggs would be much smaller...
Wyoming does not make an exception for Coturnix Quail. You must get a license from the G&F. If you are using the quail solely for your own use, the license is free. If you are even giving eggs away to eat, you have to have the commercial license.

Raising Pheasants or Other Game Birds.

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