Wyoming Unite!!!!

This might be a noob question, but I am new to this. Being in Cheyenne, is it ok to let the chickens (got as chicks Fed 5 and 12) for good, or is it too cold? On the past "hot" day they are out bust we have been bring them in. Just wondering, the smell is getting bad and so is the dust.
I never keep poultry in the house unless they are being processed. I just took the night time heat away from my 4+ week old chicks yesterday. Tonight will be their second night without supplemental heat. They are in the grow out pen which is the back section of the coop.
Yesterday morning had frost on the apricot blossoms.




Anyone in the Cheyenne area have some eggs currently incubating? Long story short, I have 3 broodies that wouldn’t accept shipped chicks and they’ve already been sitting for 2 weeks.

I’ll set some of my own if I can’t get some partially “cooked” ones but I really don’t want these hens to sit for 3 more weeks if I can get them some babies sooner than that.
Anyone in the Cheyenne area have some eggs currently incubating? Long story short, I have 3 broodies that wouldn’t accept shipped chicks and they’ve already been sitting for 2 weeks.

I’ll set some of my own if I can’t get some partially “cooked” ones but I really don’t want these hens to sit for 3 more weeks if I can get them some babies sooner than that.
Too bad you aren't closer. I have a broody on 7 blue eggs now that it would not bother me if she didn't get to hatch them.

I have had broodies set for extended periods of time without it doing them any harm. In particular, hatching guinea or turkey eggs. This particular broody had been sitting for at least 3 weeks before I let her have any eggs.

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