yearling peahen eggs?

Though it doesn't happen very often that a yearling hen will lay eggs, it has been known to happen that people have hatched them out.
Though it doesn't happen very often that a yearling hen will lay eggs, it has been known to happen that people have hatched them out.
My seven hens (3 mature, 4 coming 2 year olds) did *not* lay eggs as yearlings and the three older ones laid a couple of eggs as two year olds, but none hatched.

I had a few 1 yr old hens lay eggs,but they was hatched very early the previous year in May. eggs was about 2/3 the size of a 2 year old hen,and none developed.Those same 3 hens all laid great this year and I hatched over 25 peachicks from them. The Peacock was also 2 yrs old this spring,he's the one I've ranted about being an astinishing great looking loud silver pied.
I have had 1 year old or even less lay for the last 2 years, the first time my males were to young the second batch of 1 year olds layed late and my males had already dropped their trains and weren't looking to breed,
Ii have 7 hens that turned 2 years old in the middle of laying season and i got fertile eggs from all of them

I know my chickens will come back to the coop each afternoon, will Peacocks? I've always wanted some but we had coyote trouble at night last fall. we think we've got them gone but I always put them up at night to be sure. Susie Q
They aren't likely to come to a coop to lay they like to hide in the open, hard to explain but i will post some photos so you see what i mean, they also like to lay up on things like my conex box here ,up on a canopy and in the lost of the barn, it is not easy to find their nest if ya ain't home all day and then they will fake you out and lay an egg in one place and then take off and sit a clutch they layed a week before.
Can you see the hens click to enlarge, then click on original tab and it brings up a bigger picture

This hen layed 4 eggs before i found her, i walked by this place every day sometime several times and never saw her.

There is a hen sitting on top of this conex box.

Yotes are always around , you might shoot one but another will take it's place, if you got room to let peas free range then you need a few good dogs to help ya keep your place safe and at night they better be some place safe, my birds come up to the barn and in a tree by my home to roost and that is where most of the daytime dogs sleep, the night time dogs patrol if they sense anything that does not belong in the area.
this yote has been here sense 2009 his mate was killed by my neighbor now he is alone , i love watching them threw the cams.

Coons don't bother nothing around my place, my dogs have killed a few the last few years but i believe they were trapped elsewhere and dumped here cause no coon is so stupid as to walk into an area with a pack of dogs. Also the neighboring town had stated to the media that a bunch of coon that were trapped in town were taken and released farther out into the country, believe that would be around me.


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