Yellow Spot on Day 28 Duck Egg


In the Brooder
May 9, 2021
Hi! We are hatching our first eggs from an incubator. We noticed today this egg has developed a yellow spot which has progressively gotten bigger as the days gone on. When we candle the egg we see movement and the duck appears to have already internally pipped. Should we be concerned about the exterior becoming discolored? Thank you!
Could you get a picture? Its probably alright, as long as the baby is alive and internally pipping, I wouldn't be to concerned.
Did you go into lockdown? Just double checking. Lockdown, when you take out the turner out and rase humidity.
X2 on the photo. If the eggs are due to hatch, it may be a "bruise" you're seeing - there's a good photo in Pyxis's assisted hatching guide. Is that what it looks like?
Thats what I was gonna say as well, except didn't OP say that it was there before he internally pipped? If it showed up after then it likely a bruise from the baby trying to pip through the shell.
Oh, that definitely looks like bruise. Except, its not ever the air cell. You said you saw him internally pipping? Hmm, unless he turned and decided to pip over there, it may just be a weird spot. :idunno
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