It is 28 here in Thomaston this morning! I am a softie and run some heat lamps for my chickens. Enough to help take some of the chill off but it still seems darn cold for them!
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Good morning! The sun is just starting to brighten the sky, so out I go to open the run door and see how they're doing. The hens, that is.
Have you guys seen the "Chicken Swap of Georgia" site on FaceBook? Just wondering as it is getting a lot of use. Not too many people selling birds at this time but a good place to meet people and find curtain breeds of interest. There is also a swap page for South Carolina, which I watch a little closer.

We are hatching BC Marans, silkies, OEGBs, and hopefully some Dominiques right now. Anyone else hatching? Buying? Selling? It's all interesting.

FarmerJohn, if you are on here--I have one dominique egg pipping!!!!
YAY!! I've got a bator full of chicks that will probably come out when I get home this evening. White Leghorns, BSL, EE, & who knows what else I put in there. All eggs from my birds. I tried to bid at the last minute, literally, and still got outbid with 10 seconds to go...just wasn't meant to be...But I have been talking to Gallusfarm here on BYC about some eggs, and then if I still don't have any by April, I'm going to buy some from Cornerstone Farm in Virginia!!

Keep me updated on how the hatch goes!!

YAY!! I've got a bator full of chicks that will probably come out when I get home this evening. White Leghorns, BSL, EE, & who knows what else I put in there. All eggs from my birds. I tried to bid at the last minute, literally, and still got outbid with 10 seconds to go...just wasn't meant to be...But I have been talking to Gallusfarm here on BYC about some eggs, and then if I still don't have any by April, I'm going to buy some from Cornerstone Farm in Virginia!!

Keep me updated on how the hatch goes!!


Yes, I wish Cornerstone Farm was closer so I could pick up some chicks from them. They have beautiful birds!

Well, there are 2 dominique eggs pipped now. My fingers are still crossed as I am having a hard time keeping the humidity where I want it and do not want to open the bator to mess with it. It is just at 66% which will work if they do not take too long getting out. What a stress as I prefer 69% for this incubator on chicks.
Well hopefully you'll have a Roo and a hen hatch then u can hatch out ur own birds. I had a hard time keeping my humidity up too, but still had a very successful hatch. You should get involved on the Dominique thread if u aren't already!
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The northeaster finally blew out of here after cool temps, alot of wind and much needed rain. Hopefully the weatherguessers in Jax are correct about the upcoming weather (they're usually wrong) and we'll have some nice sunny, warm days to look forward to.
Morning all..............Glad to see new folks. BeAUTiful day ahead,,,,Will be outside most of the day.... Have a wonderful one! Nancy
Well, the 2 pipped Dominique eggs hatched--now to keep them both a live! All 4 OEGB eggs hatched with no problems. There are still 2 Dominique eggs in the bator but I have seen no action from them so I will give them another day and then toss them. Yes, if only I can get a roo and a hen--time will tell!
Most of my Lav. Orp eggs are doing pretty well.
Only one of the long narrow eggs was clear, rest are doing well in my bator.

Also, the goat milk was great!

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