Merry Christmas! from the Denver Hospital!!!!! Okay if you want toknow, go see me in Random Ramblings.

I'm so missing Georgia but experiencing a much needed Medical mending ....... Jacque (Hubby) is running the farm and auctions, so BE Kind to him...He just assisting in the birth of 7 baby goats in 2 days and 4 baby bunnies.... Life goes on without me.

mmmmmmmmmm..... Birds we have lots of them... see The Garry Farm on facebook or visit us at http://thegarryfarm.webs.com/

had hoped for some Lavendar silkies but those silly shipped eggs, just told me no and that's okay...... I have some of our eggs and a few of the buffs and maybe a blue silkie eggs shipped hatching today!!!

I'm excited and loooking forward to pics

Merry Christmas..........May this be a blessed and Joy Filled Day!

Merry Christmas to my Georgia Chicken Peeps.. It is nice to share our love of animals with neighbors. Hoping each of you has a very Blessed day.

I am looking for 6-8 BCM or preferrable Blue Maran pullets that will start laying spring or early summer. If all else fails, I will be making a raid on Nancy's farm for hatching eggs soon.. but I really want started birds. Will consider young laying hens

I would love to find them close, but as Nancy can tell you - I don't hesitate to jump in my truck and drive 4 hours round trip to her place. If you have any for sale, please let me know. Otherwise.. Nancy.. be ready..

I'll be early and wish everyone a very Happy New Year! (We have company coming and I will be in the kitchen)

May 2012 bring you health, wealth, and happiness. As well as great hatches!

GA in GA

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